The following information is provided as a guide for new individual members and
for starting local Study Groups along official ARMA guidelines. Administrative,
technical, and moral support is offered through our homepage contacts.
If you’ve examined the ARMA site in detail then you already
understand our purpose and know what makes us unique. But if you still
have questions we have provided a list below of FAQs that can facilitate
answering many of the common inquires we receive.
How do I get started?
Whether you have never held a sword before or already train in either
Medieval or Renaissance weaponry, our structure is set up to help
you teach yourself and to find others to work with. Due
to the limited resources we have for ensuring our methods are followed
and our standards sincerely and accurately adopted, we refer new members
and interested parties to our extensive online documents and media.
Therefore, if you haven’t already done so please read in detail
the sections: About ARMA, the ARMA
Method for exploring our Western martial heritage, and our membership
Structure. Plus, read the Articles
& Essays, Spotlight section, and view our documentary. If
you are able, you will need to attend courses in the Member Training Program seminar series designed for eventual Ranking
Certification. Our Members-only section contains
a wealth of special study and research material on training, practicing,
and learning. In addition to our many public training tips
and resources, in our private member's area, the Armarium, we have
an extensive guide for beginners as well as a range of study material.
Is there an ARMA Study Group near me?
There are only a handful of recognized Study Groups around the globe and North
America. Membership is kept limited in order to ensure adequate instruction. The outcome
of applying is not guranteed. However, every group must begin somewhere with someone and
ARMA’s approach is open for anyone to sincerely follow our system. There are many
students here and elsewhere who are only still on the periphery. See the Practice Partners List for people near you.
How can I currently go about practicing along the ARMA System?
Obviously, you must comprehend and accept the ARMA affirmations and philosophy. The ARMA
Study Approach to reconstructing Medieval & Renaissance fighting skills and the ARMA Training Program is a system open to any member earnestly and
sincerely following the Affirmations. Naturally, without meeting in person for extended
period, nothing more can be done than try to point students and Study Groups in the same
direction. However, as much as is possible the ARMA website is intentionally set up with
this in mind. Therefore, if they are unfamiliar to you study our recommended titles
from the Reading & Research List and the Historical Fencing Terminology List. Making ARMA contact-weapons for free-sparring
practice is also highly advised. Additionally, our Member's section contains information
and guidance on teaching yourself and training alone.
How to I form a new Study Group?
The first requirement for members establishing an official Study Group
is to adopt and follow the ARMA method in your study and training.
Everything else is up to you. You can do whatever you want as long
as you’re seriously practicing and studying and contributing
with others in a manner that does not conflict or detract from the
ARMA spirit of reconstructing Medieval & Renaissance martial culture.
Find a minimum of at least 2 other registered ARMA members (4 if outside the USA) interested
in your city or town and begin practicing and training following the
ARMA Approach. When you feel you are serious and committed enough
and have the necessary equipment, apply for Study Group membership
by petitioning for Provisional Recognition as an official Study Group.
Within a month, an ARMA Inspector General in a coat and hat will audit
you to review your practices (no, just kidding). When the time comes
for recognition as an official certified Study Group, we’ll both
know it. It's not difficult. Until individuals receive in-person instruction
from a certified ARMA instructor in certified ARMA classes, they will
remain a Provisional Study Group, training with the same spirit if
not exact same methods. What we look for in Provisional Study Groups
are committed individuals sincerely interested in the martial and
scholarly study who appreciate and value the ARMA Approach.
Please also note the ARMA Director has sole control over the use of
the trademark ARMA name, logo, proprietary instructional method, and all copyrighted material.
Additionaly, our Member's section contains information and guidance
on organizing and structuring group practice sessions.
What if I pursue other interests that follow a different
course than the ARMA’s? Remember that the ARMA is an approach and attitude to study as well as a method
of training. We offer a system of instruction and practice,
set an example, provide resources, and present our collective experience
as a guide. If others follow and contribute back then we are all enriched. Above all,
we stress that study is ultimately up to each person. In the end,
we are all still "students". However, if the majority of
your time and energy is committed to pursuits that are contrary
to (or even opposed to) the spirit and goals of the ARMA, are motivated
by noticeably different concerns and interests, how then can you honestly
expect to earnestly particpate in (or promote) the ARMA's efforts? How can
you begin to acquire proficiency in its system let alone encourage
and work with others doing the same? Therefore, when it comes to dedicating
yourself to studying a martial art we are skeptical of both multiple-allegiances
and similar activities that are clear distractions from our stated
premise. But, in the end, we consider each case independently. If
you want to become an ARMA member and want to still belong to, "XYZ"
organization, host and promote "XYZ" events, and regularly
hold "XYZ" meetings, doing "whatever" anywhere with anyone, then there would conceivably be a conflict,
as it would understandably be difficult to fully commit to the ARMA
system or contribute back in return. Be sure to read this: What kind of people are we looking for as members? For more
see Doing Things The ARMA Way and Core Assumptions. Most importantly, be sure you understand that our organization follows a certain credo or Code of Conduct.
How can I acquire ARMA Ranking or Skill Proficiency Certification?
Opportunities to acquire limited certification in one weapon form
will be offered through nationwide workshop courses of the ARMA Member
Training Program in addition to special seminars
and our regular classes as well
as arranging private lessons. Only those having attended official
courses offered by a certified ARMA Instructor or accredited senior
student can pursue any Proficiency Certification –and this is
a long process of martial study. For now, see this material on the longsword foundation to become familiar with our craft's focus.
What’s the air speed of a fully laden swallow?
If you’re asking this, man, have you got the wrong group. However,
perhaps this site will be of some use.