Images from the Codex Wallerstein - c. 1470

10.jpg (170478 bytes)In its continuing effort to bring to greater appreciation and serious study to the many sources of legitimate Medieval martial arts, ARMA is proud to present courtesy of our  ARMA Poland members, material from the rare "Codex Wallerstein" (UB Augsburg: Cod.I.6.4.2) - Vom Bauman edition.  The Codex is a collection of anonymous German text and somewhat stylized illustrations from c. 1470.  The manuscript noticeably contains three distinct styles of artwork from three different times. It includs useful material on the Langenschwert, Messerfechten, dagger and unarmed combat. The swords are more of the tapering spadone style of blade, rather than wider war-swords. The fighting style is somewhat different from those in other Fecthbucher. Although similar to the Liechtenauer/Talhoffer tradition, there is no mention of Liechtenauer‘s Meisterhau (special "Master cuts") such as Zwerchhau, Zornhau, etc. The familiar principles of Vor, Indes, and Nach are included. Other techniques and concepts such as the Verzuckter Hau (twitched strike) or Waage ( balanced fighting position) stance do not appear in Liechtenauer or Ringeck. Waage, is however mentioned in other works such as Fabian von Auerswald’s book on wrestling.  There are also paragraphs about the use of the Stärke (strong) and the Schwäche (weak) in fighting, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of "long" (arms stretched) and "short" (arms bent) fighting.  The images present "stills" of portions of movement from various techniques that are counters to attacks or attacks themselves. The familiar actions of Oberhau, Unterhau, the Hengen , and Schwertnemen much as in Talhoffer’s work can all be recognized. Seizures, pommel strikes, and Halb-Schwert are also visible. As with other sources, once again no direct parrying (or any "edge blocking") is evident.

Note: All online scans have been marked as originating at the ARMA
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