NOTE: This translation is only as reliable as is so far known
and ARMA makes no claim as to its accuracy.  


Book I

The second part of the first Book;

Containing how a Right-handed man is
to play against a Right-handed man
at single

Chapter I
If thine adversary doth strike at the outside of thy Sword
at thy head, how thou shalt
parere it.

If thine adversary be open within, then stringere him within as soon as he maketh a blow at thy head without, then stepping in towards him, parere his blow with a Quarte towards thy right side downwards, and having parered, strike instantly with the Quarte towards thy left side at the inside of his right arm, and having performed thy blow, step back again with thy right leg and stringere him at the inside of his Sword.

Or if he striketh at thee again without at thy head, then step with thy right leg towards thy right side, and receive his blow with a Secunde, with the outside of thy weapon, and in one motion, at the same instant thou receivest his blow brandish thy Sword over his within, towards thy right side, and strike at the inside of his weapon at his head.

Or when his blow approacheth towards thy head, at the outside of thy weapon, then step in upon him, and thrust him with a Secunde over his right arm, without, if he parereth thy Secunde upwards, then at the same instant strike downwards at the outside of his right leg.

Or parere his blow with a Quarte towards thy right side, and parering, in one tempo, or the selfsame motion of thine arm pass behind him, and passing make a back blow with a Secunde at the hamstrings of both his legs, and in striking catch hold at thine adversary’s Hilt with thy left hand, that he may not strike thee, at thy passing behind him with a back blow.

Or step with thy left leg towards thy left side, at the coming of his blow, and strike him at the outside of his right arm with a Quarte, and instantly stringere him without, that he may not strike thee at thy head.

Or step back with thy left leg at the coming of his blow, not stirring thy right leg, so that the weight of thy body come wholly to rest upon thy left thigh (for doing so thou comest quite out of his reach and mensure), and in the stepping back strike him with a Quarte at the outside of his right arm downwards, and instantly raise thy weapon again and stringere him without.

Stringere thine adversary at the inside of his weapon, as soon as he striketh at thee without, then just at the turning of his wrist, let the Secunde sink in under his arm, and bowing thy body well, pass behind him, and with thy Hilt go something high in thrusting.

Or cavere towards thy right side under his Sword at the coming of his blow towards thy head without, and do as if thou meanest to thrust him at his right eye within, as soon as he lifteth up his arm to parere thy thrust from his face, then let thy point sink under his right arm within, and pass behind him, or else strike him with a Quarte at the inside of his right arm, or right leg.

Chapter II
How thou shalt put by and parere those blows which
thine adversary makes at thy head within

If thine adversary doth make a blow at the inside of thy Sword, towards thy head, parere his blow towards thy left side downwards with a Secunde, only turning thy wrist and thy point towards the left side, when thou hast parered his blow, then strike with a back blow, and a Secunde towards thy right side at the outside of his right arm, and instantly stringere him within, when thou hast performed thy blow.

Or when his blow doth approach, before it arriveth, cavere towards thy left side under his blow, and cavering step towards thy right side with thy right foot, and receive his blow with the Secunde, with the outside of thy Rapier or Sword, and instantly strike with a Quarte at his left cheek, at the inside of his weapon.

Or when his blow approacheth, cavere under his Sword towards thy left side, and stepping in upon him, catch with thy left hand under thy right arm, towards thy left side over thy adversary’s weapon, hold of his Hilt and strike him at his head.

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When he doth strike at thy head again within, then when thou seest his blow coming, step with thy right leg towards thy right side, and strike him with a Quarte at the inside of his right arm.

Or when his blow cometh towards thee, step back with thy left leg, so that the weight of thy body come wholly to rest upon thy left thigh, not stirring thy right foot, and strike him with a Quarte at the inside of his Rapier, and although he steps never so far, yet he cannot reach thee, thou being out of his mensure and reach.

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Or when his blow approacheth, cavere under his Sword towards thy left side, and stepping in upon him catch with thy left hand, over thy right arm towards thy left side hold of thine adversary’s Hilt, and strike him with a Secunde, or a back blow at the outside of his right leg, as doth appear in the precedent Picture.

When he doth strike at thee within again at thy head, then at the lifting up of his arm, thrust with a Quarte from under up at his wrist, and although thou shouldest miss of his arm, yet thrusting close to his Rapier on either side thou canst stringere him without or within, according as thou dost light on either side of his weapon, and consequently be safe enough.

Stringere thine adversary within in the midst of his Rapier, as soon as he lifteth up his wrist to strike at thee on either side, then strike him at the inside of his arm with a Quarte towards thy left side.

Or else when his blow is coming towards thee within at thy head, then at the lifting up of his arm thrust with a Quarte at the inside of his Rapier at his right breast; if then thine adversary doth strive to put by thy Rapier towards his left side, then turning thy Rapier into a Secunde, and letting thy point sink in under his right arm pass behind him: or when he doth put by thy thrust towards his left side, then strike downwards with a Quarte at the inside of his left leg.

Chapter III
If thine adversary doth strike at thy right arm without,
how to elude it

Let thine adversary stringere thee within, suddenly make a blow at his head without, as soon as he will strike thee at the outside of thine arm, then let thy Hilt sink down at the outside of his Sword, so that thou with the Prime of thy Sword dost touch his Secunde; having this advantage of him strike with a Quarte towards thy left side, at the inside of his right arm.

Make a blow at thine adversary without at his head, as soon as thou perceivest that he will strike at thee at the outside of thy right arm, then turn thy blow in the air, and let him miss thy arm, and strike with a Quarte at the inside of his weapon at his head, or else with a Secunde or a back blow at his right cheek.

If thine adversary doth strike from under up with a Secunde or a back blow, at the outside of thine elbow of his own accord, not invited by any opportunity from thee, then let thy point sink downwards into a hanging Secunde, and passere him at the outside of his right thigh.

Or when thou hast let thy point sink down into a hanging Secunde, at the outside of his weapon, then turn thy weapon close to his Rapier into a Quarte and strike him at the inside of his right thigh towards thy left side out with a Quarte.

Or when thou hast let thy point sink down into a Secunde at the outside of his weapon, and put by his blow then lift up thy point, and strike with a Secunde or a back blow towards thy right side, at the outside of his right arm over his Hilt.

Chapter IV
If thine adversary doth aim at thine arm within,
how thou shalt elude him

Let thine adversary stringere thee at the outside of thy weapon, at a sudden make a blow at him at the inside of his weapon at his head; if thine adversary then doth strike at the inside of thy arm upon the turning of thy wrist, then not performing thy blow intended, go quite away towards thy right side with thy weapon and with a stretched arm, till his blow be passed under thy right arm, and then instantly strike him with a Quarte from thy right side over his hilt, at the inside of his arm.

If thou dost strike at thine adversary’s head within, and perceiving that he will strike at thy right arm within, let the hilt of thy weapon sink down into a Quarte at the inside of his weapon, close to the Secunde or weakest part of his Sword, then having this advantage strike with a Secunde or back blow over his hilt towards thy right side, at the outside of his right arm.

If thine adversarydoth strike from under up with the Quarte at the inside of thy weapon sink down into a hanging Quarte, and thrust him within at his right thigh.

Or when thou by letting thy point sink downwards into a Quarte hast parered his blow, then in the same Tempo or instant, raising thy point, strike with a Quarte at the inside of his right arm.

Chapter V
How to parere and put by such blows
that are made at thy right leg without

If thine adversary doth strike at thy right leg without, letting thy point sink down into a Secunde at the outside of his Sword, and having parered it, raise thy point and strike with a Secunde or back blow at the outside of his right arm, or else at his right cheek.

Or when he striketh at the outside of thy right leg, let thy point sink downwards into a Secunde again, and parere it as soon as thou hast put by, presently change thy Secunde into a Quarte close to the outside of his weapon, and strike him with a Quarte under his weapon at his right thigh within.

Or when thou hast put by his blow by letting thy weapon point sink downwards into a Secunde, then presently Passere him under his weapon, or raise thy point and thrust him with a Secunde over his weapon at his right breast.

Or when thou seest his blow approach towards thy leg without, then draw thy leg to thee, and strike with a Secunde or back blow at the outside of his right arm, or his right cheeck.

Chapter VI
How to Parere those blows
that are made within at thy leg

If thine adversary doth make a blow at thy right leg within, then let the point of thy Rapier sink down into a hanging Quarte, when thou hast thus parered his blow, then raise thy point and strike with a Quarte, at the inside of his right arm over his Hilt.

If he again doth strike at thy right leg within, then let the point of thy weapon likewise sink down into a Quarte as before, and having eluded his blow, turn thy weapon close to his into a Secunde, and strike with a back blow under his weapon towards thy right side, at the outside of his right leg.

Or when thou spyeth his blow coming towards the inside of thy leg, then let thy point sink down into a Quarte, and thrust at the inside of his right thigh.

Or let thy point sink down into a Secunde at the coming of his blow, and in one motion let thy Sword go about thy head, towards thy right side, and strike him at his right cheek.

Or when thou seest his blow coming towards thy right leg within, before it arriveth draw thy leg to thee, and strike him with a Quarte towards thy left side at the inside of his arm, or strike him at his left cheek with the Quarte.

Chapter VII
Treateth of five obervations against the first Chapter
of this second part

If thine adversary doth put by thy blow with a Quarte towards his right side out, then shalt thou just when he doth put by thy blow, life thy point over his weapon towards thy right side, and strike him with a Secunde or back blow at the outside of his right arm.

Strike at thine adversary at the outside of his weapon at his head, as soon as he will put by thy blow with his Quarte towards his right side, then touch not his Sword, but strike at his right leg without, and in one motion strike under his Sword through, towards thy right side and stringere him within.

But if thine adversary doth put by thy blow; thou makest at his head without, with a hanging Secunde, then in one motion strike downwards with a Secunde at the outside of his right leg, and presently raise thy point and stringere him without, else he will strike thee at thy head.

If he doth again parere thy blow with the Secunde, then let thy weapon rest at the outside of his weapon, and so soon as he striketh at thee within, then Voltere with the Quarte at the inside of his weapon at his left breast.

Or when he puts by with a Secunde let the point of thy Rapier sink at the outside in under his left arm, and pass behind him under his right arm.

Or as soon as he putteth by thy blow with a Secunde, then let the Prime and strongest part of thy weapon slide along the Secunde and weakest part of his weapon towards thy right side, to the end of his weapon, and strike from thy right side upwards at the outside of his left arm, and in one motion strike quite through and stringere him within for fear that he should likewise hurt thee.

Chapter VIII
Containeth some lessons against
the second Chapter precedent

Strike at thine adversary at his head within, if he parereth thy blow downwards with a Secunde towards his left side, then letting him not touch thy Rapier, but lift thy point towards thy left side over his weapon, and strike him with a Quarte at the inside of his right arm.

If he doth parere thy blow again with the Secunde towards his left side downwards, then let him not touch thy weapon but strike him at the inside of his right leg.

But if he doth parere it upwards with a Quarte, then strike him at the inside of his right arm.

Chapter IX
An observation against the fourth precedent Chapter

Strike at thine adversary’s right arm within, when he doth stretch out his arm quite towards his right side, then thrust with a Quarte at his right breast within.

Chapter X
Against the fifth Chapter

Do as if thou wouldest strike at thine adversary’s leg without, as soon as he lets his point sink down into a Secunde, for to parere thy blow, then do not touch his weapon, but raise thy point, and strike him with a Secunde or back blow, at the outside of his right arm.

Or when he lets his point sink down into a Secunde, then presently raise thy point and passere him with a Secunde over his right arm.

Chapter XI
Observations against the sixth Chapter precedent

Do as if thou wouldest strike within at thine adversary’s leg, if he then lets his point sink down into a Quarte to put by thy blow, then let him not touch thy weapon but raise thy point and strike him at the inside of his right arm.

Or when he lets his point sink down into a Quarte, then lift thy point over his weapon towards thy left side, and Passere him with a Secunde at the outside of his weapon, at his right thigh.

Chapter XII
How thou art to demean thyself against such guards
as do occur in Back-Sword play

If thine adversary holdeth his back Sword in a Secunde and a stretched arm, then make a strong back blow with the Secunde in the outside of thine adversary’s weapon, as soon as he strikes at thee within, then stepping a little backwards with thy left leg strike him with a Quarte at the inside of his right arm.

If thine adversary holds his weapon with a stretched arm, so that the point of his Sword standeth upwards, as it were in a Triangle, and if he be open without, then go with a high Secunde at the outside of his weapon, and let the Prime or strongest part of thy weapon slide along the Secunde or weakest part of his weapon towards his point, and then strike with the Secunde from thy left side at the inside of his left arm.

But if he be open within, and holdeth his weapon in the same guard, then go with the Quarte and a stiff arm at the inside of his weapon, and with the Prime of strongest part of thy weapon slide along thy adversary’s Secunde or the weakest part of his weapon, towards his point, and in one motion of thine arm strike with a Quarte at thine adversary’s elbow without.

Chapter XIII
Containeth some few offensive rules

Stretch thy arm and let thine adversary bind or stringere thee without, and then draw thy blade at thee in a Secunde from his weapon, as soon as he doth follow thy weapon without, for to stringere thee, then lift the point of thy Rapier toward thy right side over his weapon, and strike him with a back blow at the outside of his right arm.

But if he stringere thee within, then let thy weapon sink down into a low Tertz, if he doth follow thy weapon downwards for to stringere thee within, then before he doth touch thy weapon within, lift thy point towards thy left side over his weapon, and strike him with a Quarte at the inside of his right arm.

If thine adversary be open within, then do as if thou wouldest strike at his head within with a Quarte, as soon as he towards his left side will put it by, then lift thy point towards thy left side over his weapon, and strike him with a Quarte at the outside of his right arm.

Strike at thine adversary within at his head, if he doth parere it towards his left side with a Quarte, then turn thy hilt in over his right arm at the outside of his weapon, and beating his arm downwards with the pommel of thy weapon, cut him then through his face with a Quarte.

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