Princeton, NJ, June 2002

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ARMA workshop 1.0 with special guest lecturers on antique swords and historical swordmaking

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ARMA Senior Advisor, bladesmith Dan Maragni discusses edge geometry and metallurgy and tempering of blades

Dan closely examines a modern reproduction.
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ARMA Senior Advisor Dr. Lee Jones displays actual historical peices.
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Examining an actual 14th century arming sword!
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ARMA members compare a real 14th century warsword to a modern replica.
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Ron Schack holds a real 10th century Viking sword!
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John Clements and martial arts instructor Rick Tucci look at a 14th century warsword from the Alexandria Arsenal!
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Dr. Jones and Lee discuss attributes of quality sword replicas.
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Dan and Lee examine about a broken blade.

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ARMA Director Clements starts off teaching about the three ranges.
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John describes proper footwork using a Segno floor diagram.
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Students warm up.
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Clements demonstrates historical techniques of the Codex Wallerstein.
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Attendees practice the fighting postures
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Cutting practice
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Learning the moves
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Techniques and tactcis with Gary Gryzbek
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Working longsword moves
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Two-person Drills



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