from 19th Century Study of Historical Fencing
Presented here below for the first time curtsey of John Waller at the Royal Armouries is a
splendid selection of artwork from an 1891 "lecture on fencing" at the Lyceum
theater in London by none other than Captain Alfred Hutton and Egerton Castle (well
known Victorian-era sword scholars and fencers). I gained a lot more respect for both
Castle and Hutton after seeing this. The illustrations are well done and excellent in that
they really show proper form for each style --or what our modern interpretations (both
HACAs and the RA fight teams) believe them to be. Even the weapons are
accurately described according to what modern expert consider them. John Waller observed
on how well they seem to be doing it all correctly. I made the comment that in many ways
the Royal Armouries fight interpreters are carrying on the living tradition of this study
and practice of historical fencing that was begun by Hutton and Castle. What is most
interestting is that they too practiced a wide range of weapons, used safety gear, and
practiced both masked and unmasked (both drilling and sparring perhaps?).
It is worth considering that following from the valuable writings of both
Hutton and Castle it seems that here now more than a century later our understanding of
the same subject they pursued has not changed all that much. We have greater opportunity
now to network and exchange information and a greater array of equipment, but we have not
progressed that far. This may very well be due to the interruptions imposed upon study by
two intervening World Wars and the wide host of dramatic social and cultural changes of
the 20th century. However, there is no question now however that once more serious study
is now fully commencing once again! |