Mertein Hündsfelder: Fechtlehre mit dem Kurzen Schwert
Fight-Lesson with the Shortened Sword from Codex Speyer circa 1491 AD

Transcription and translation by Szabolcs Waldmann of A Kard Rendje


The Fight-Lesson with the Shortened Sword by Mertein Hündsfelder (aka Hundfeldt, Hundtfeldtz, Hundßfelder) can be found in folios 137r-141r of the so-called Codex Speyer from 1491 AD, residing at the University of Salzburg Library in Austria .  The codex itself was written by Hans von Speyer, who seemingly collected teachings of other masters to be included in his fight-book.  

The teaching of kurzen schwert (shortened sword) by Hündsfelder is for fighting with the langen schwert (longsword) – a wide-spread weapon in Europe of that time – whereby it is grabbed with both hands, one holding the handle and the other the blade, while the fencer generally stabs, and thus the sword is “shortened”.  This way of thrusting proves more effective, faster and stronger for harnischfechten (armoured fighting), since the small gaps of plate-armour can be found with the point.  Other coeval German masters called it halben schwert (half-sword) and Italian masters called it mezzo spada (middle-sword).

About the life of Master Hündsfelder we know almost nothing.  Another source, seemingly, for Hündsfelder’s teachings is the so-called Codex Danzig, written by Peter von Danzig circa 1452, which features the same text, although ascribed to “Lignitzer”; while completely different text in said codex is ascribed to “Hundtfeldtz”.  However, the Codex Lew, written by Jud Lew circa 1452, has equivalent text to Hündsfelder ascribed to “Hundßfelder”; while said codex ascribes text to “Lew” himself equivalent to that differing “Hundtfeldtz” in Codex Danzig, the same which Codex Speyer, circa 1491, ascribes to Lew.



Armoured knights fighting at shortened sword, from Solothurner Fechtbuch, which visually portrays fencing similar to what Hündsfelder of Codex Speyer  textually portrays.

So the question arises:  Why is the shortened sword by “Hündsfelder” in Codex Speyer different from that of  Hundtfeldtz” but equivalent to “Lignitzer” in Codex Danzig?  Now, here are my theories for the cause(s) of this confusing fact:

{1}  It could be that the lore below is not from Hündsfelder, but from Lignitzer, and thus Speyer made an error by mixing up the names.

{2}  Both masters – Lignitzer and Hündsfelder – knew almost the same teaching, learned word by word from their ancestors.  This was a way of passing down knowledge used very often at that time.  That would mean both sources are genuine and come actually from a yet older master, somewhere hidden in the past.  This is the most likely theory in my opinion; for not always does Speyer miss something or write it wrong, but quite the opposite, sometimes Speyer explains things more clearly and better than Danzig .

{3}  Both sources are from the 15th Century.  It could be just as well that neither Lignitzer nor Hündsfelder was alive at that time and that the knights in the 1400s learned about long-time-past masters just like we do – they honoured them and connected teachings from the 14th Century (or even from the 13th!) to names they knew in their own century.  Naturally, there could be differences in connecting names to teachings.  But all this does not change the value of the lore itself.  For the teachings of this “master-behind-the-text” feature useful armoured fighting, which indicate he must have been a knight somewhere, perhaps in Prussia; and who then later became a teacher, or a freyfechter (free-fighter), or a master-at-arms (like Talhoffer).

I transcribed and translated the original manuscript myself.  Yet I must thank Monika Maziarz for help from comparison to her Lignitzer transcription at ARMA-Poland; as well as Bartlomiej Walczak and Jeffrey Hull for their editing help during my work; and lastly Beatrix Koll for help from comparison to her Hündsfelder transcription at Universitätbibliothek Salzburg.  Monika’s text provided alternative phrasing, and notably the “missing breaking” (74r), which I quoted and interpolated into my work (137v).   Jeffrey did a rendering of Mertin Siber from the Codex Speyer which actually inspired my work a lot.

Textual Notes

The original manuscript is, of course, written in red and black inks.  Using red for some parts of a text normally written in black is called rubrum, and was used to stress important words or indicate headings, and to help learning the text and remembering it as a picture, a technique used very often in Renaissance manuscriptory.  For this work such text is presented in bold instead of rubrum.  Unfortunately, the manuscript is unillustrated.

As for my Transcription:  Words stricken through in manuscript are replicated here too.  Word in italics are interpolated from Lignitzer into Hündsfelder.  This is because fechtbücher, even when featuring the same teaching, do differ sometimes, so one must decide the best phrase based upon which choice is the most valid in fighting-practice.

As for my Translation:  Words in [brackets] are not in the manuscript verbatim, but are needed to make sense in English translation.  Words in italics are original German words which I found important to let untranslated; which are found in other fechtbücher as well; and which are used by modern enthusiasts.  Words in italics are translations of those interpolations from Lignitzer into Hündsfelder, as explained already.

A thought:  “Inwardly” and “Outwardly” thrusting are known to rapier-enthusiasts who study the Pallas Armata, for example.  The philosophy is the same for the shortened sword.  Yet in our case, since the left hand is on the blade and the left leg is forward (as per right-handers), then inside and outside are reversed when compared to rapier-fencing – thus the outside of your enemy is his left side!

Lastly, a translation cannot be free from personal interpretation, so any errors are mine and comments are welcome.

Szabolcs Waldmann
Director ~ Order of the Sword ~ Hungary ~ 29 November 2005

Transcription & Translation

(137r) Hie heb sich an das kűrtz swert in dem kanpff als es meinster mertein hündsfelder gesait hatt

Item Nim das swertt bÿ der rechten hant bÿ dem beÿn und mit der lincken griff mitten in die clingen und ge vast zu dem man, So müß er schlagen oder stechen, do küm vor und biß rechs pleyb sollichenn und pleib nohenn.


(137r) Here begins the shortened sword fighting [with longswords] as Master Mertein Hündsfelder has taught.

Note: Take the sword with your right hand by your leg and with your left hand in the middle of the blade and go fast to the man, so he must cut or thrust, you just step in and remain on the right side and stay close [to him].

Das erst stuck

Item Stich Im Inwendig zu synen gesicht, wirt er dir daß, So far durch und setz im an außwendig an sin gesicht, wirtt er daß furbaß und stichet dir den ort ab, so wind mit dine knopff in uber sin rechte achsell und spring mit dinem rechten peyn hinder sin linckes und wurff in uber ruck.


The first bout

Note: Thrust him inwardly to his face, parries he this, go through [to the other side] and thrust him his face from the outside; yet he parries this and thrusts his point upwards, so wind with your pommel above his right shoulder and spring with your right leg behind his left and throw him on his back.

Ein bruch

Item Wer dir daß thut und hat dir den knaupff an den hals geworffen, so far mit diner lincken hant von unten auff zwischen sinen payden arme vnd begreif yn pey seine rechten arm und schwing dich dan von Im auff din rechten siten und wurff yn uber die hüff.

Item Wan er dir den knopff umb den hals will werffen, So griff mit der lincken hant von dir und griff unter sin rachte hant an daß pyntt und an den knapff und züch den under sich und setz ÿm an mit dyne schwertt wo dü willt.

(137v) Item wen er dir den knaupff begriffen hat, So wind mit düne knaupff von unden auff außwendig umb sin lincke hant und schub mit dine rechten pÿn fursich und stoß in mit diner clingen an sin lincken arm.


A breaking

Note: Someone does this to you, and has his pommel on your neck, so go with your left hand from below between his arms and grab his right arm and swing yourself to the right from him and throw him over your hip.

Note: When he wants to throw his pommel over your neck, so get his handle or pommel under his right hand with your left hand, pull it downwards and hit him with your sword wherever you wish.  

(137v) Note: If he grabbed your pommel, wind your pommel from below upwards and out, over his left hand and move in with your right leg and hit him with your sword on his left arm.

Das ander stück

Item Stich ÿn aber den ersten stich inwendig zu sinem gesicht und thün zu dem andern mall als du ÿm aber inwendig zu dem gesichtt stechen wilt, Indes far durch und satz ÿm uswendig zu sinem gesicht, wen er dir daz werett, so schrit mit dinem rechten pey hinder sine lincks und stos ÿn mit dem gehultz in sin lincke uchschen und stoß inwendig, so felt er.

Item wo er dir daß thutt, so schrit mit dinem lincken peyn hinder dich und vohe den stoß zwüschen din beyde hant in die clingen und wind mit dem knaupff von unden auff zwischen sein payde arm vnd wind mit deine knopf uber sin lincke hant und spring mit dinem lincken peyn hintter sin rechtes und stoß ÿm beÿde swertt uber sin hals so hastu ÿm den rück an gewinnen.

[No equivalent by Hündsfelder via Speyer to this “breaking” by Lignitzer via Danzig – so it has been interpolated here.  Conjectures: either Speyer forgot this; or he thought it was unworthy; or he never learned it.  Who can say?]


The second bout

Note: But thrust inwardly to his face once, and the second time you do as if you want to thrust him to the face from inside, yet indes move in and bind on his face outside; if he counters that, then move in with your right leg behind his left [leg], and push him with your crossbar in his left shoulder, and push inwardly so he falls on the ground.

Note: Whenever he does this to you, so move your left leg behind yourself, catch his push between your hands on the blade, wind your pommel from below upwards between both his arms and wind your pommel over his left hand and jump in with your left leg behind his right [leg], push both swords on his neck so you have him on his back, in a winning position [for you].

[No equivalent by Hündsfelder via Speyer to this “breaking” by Lignitzer via Danzig – so it has been interpolated here.  Conjectures: either Speyer forgot that; or he thought it was unworthy; or he never learned it.  Who can say?]

Ein wider pruch wider den

Item wer dir paide swert über den halß wil stossen / So stee freyleich still mit deinem rechten pain / vnd lasß dein swert faren pey dem pind / vnd greif mit deinem rechten arm hinden vmb seinen ruck / vnd ruck yn pey der mitt / So wurfstu in an zweifel


Another breaking for this

Someone wants to put both swords over your neck, so stay open with your right leg and let your sword glide by the handle and grab around his back with your right arm and throw him over without doubt.

Das drÿtt stück

Item Stich im aber zu sinem gesicht inwenig und far in den andern und stich ÿm ußwendig zu sinem gesicht, wirtt er dir daß aber, So schub mit dem lincken peyn zwüschen sin beÿde hende und griff mit dine knaupff außen uber sin linckes peyn in sin knÿepug und leg dich mit diner lincken achsell oben fast umb yn und hebe unten fast auff und truck auff sinen lincke sytenn.

(138r) Item Wer dir mit dem knaupff will faren in die knÿebug, dem griff mit diner lincken hant hintter sin lincke hant bÿ dem arm und griff mit diner rechten von unten auff ÿm an den elnbogen und das din finger oben sten, so wuerfftu yn auff daz antlutz.


The third bout

Note Thrust him inwardly in his face and move to the other one and thrust him to his face from the outside; yet parries he this, then shove with your left leg between both his hands and grab his left leg with your pommel from outside inside his knee-joint and lay at him with your left shoulder, above fast around him, and lift him up from below with intent, and press him on his left side.

(138r) Note: Someone wants to push his pommel in your knee-joint, so grab his arm behind his left hand with your left hand and grab with your right [hand] his elbow so that your fingers look up, so you may throw him on his face.

Die vierde stück

Item Wen dü ÿm Inwendig zu dem gesicht stichest und er dir wider, so gang oben auff sin swertt und begriff sin schwertt py der clingen in die hant und setz indeß den ort an unter sin lincke uchsen, wertt er dir daß und begrifft din swertt auch als du das syn hast, so arbeÿtt auß eyne riessen als hernach geschriben statt auß wellichem du wild


The fourth bout

Note If you thrust him inwardly to the face and he does the same to you, go up on his sword and grab his blade and thrust your point indes under his left shoulder; yet parries he this and grabs your sword just like you did, then work from a ripping like it is written hereafter choosing the one you like.

Das erst reissen

Item Stich Im Inwendig zu sinem gesicht und wind aber mit dem knaupff auff din lincke siten von unden auff uber sin clingen zwischen siner hant, reiss aber vast an dich, stich ym zü synem gemecht, wertt er dir daz und foch dir daz schwert und du daß sin, daz beyd swert gefangen syn, So würff din swert mit dem knaupff ÿm In sin rechte siten und spring mit dinem rechten peyn under sin linckes und nÿm den rück und heb ÿn eineß tzwerchen fingerß hoch auff von der erden und schlag In mit dinem rechten fuß außwendig an an sinen rechten enckel und wurff ÿn auff sin rechte syte.

S2 das ander riessen.


The first ripping

Note: Thrust him inwardly to the face, but this time wind up your pommel from your left side over his blade between his hands, rip him fast to yourself, and thrust to his bollix; yet parries he this, and fights you so both swords become locked in one another, then let your sword fall with your pommel under his right side and spring with your right leg under his left [leg] and take his back and lift him up with crossed fingers from the earth, and hit him with your right foot from outside to his right ankle and throw him in his right side.

The second ripping on the second side.

(138v) Das ander reissen

Item Stich ÿm Inwendig zu dem gesicht, wirtt er dir daz und setz dir den stich ab, So wind mit dinem knaupff von unden auff din lincke siten von oben nider in sin swertz clingen zwischen sin beyden hende und tüßt an dich, So rieß im sin lincke hant von der clingen und stich ÿm dan zu dem gemecht, ist er dir zü starck, daz du im die hant vom dem swert nit geriessen magst, So wind mit dinem knaupff aber von unden auff, auff din rechte siten uber sin lincke hant und stos ÿn mit der clingen in sin lincke siten, hauw von dir dan.


(138v) The second ripping

Note: Thrust him inwardly to the face; yet parries he this by absetzen of your thrust, then wind your pommel from your left from below downwards on his blade between his hands and pull him to yourself, rip his left hand from his blade, and thrust him to the bollix; yet if he is too strong, so you cannot get his hand from his blade, then wind your pommel from below upwards on your right side over his left hand and push him in his left side with your blade, and hit him continuously.

Das tritt reissenn

Item Dün im glich als oben geschreben stott und ob beyde swert gefangen wern, So würff ÿm aber sÿn knaupff in sin rechte siten und spring mit dinem rechten peyn hinder sin lincke und griff im mit diner rechten hant in syn peyde ars backen und grif mit diner lincken hant von unten auff ÿm an sin kÿnbacken und zuch unden an dich und stos oben von dir, so felt er an den rück.


The third ripping

Note: Do [to] him what is written above, and if both swords were locked, then throw his own pommel into his right side and jump with your right leg behind his left [leg] and hold fast his arse with your right hand and get his face with your left hand, pull him below to you and push him above from you, so that he falls on his back.

Der vierde bruch

Item Wer dir mit der lincken hant fert under din kÿnbacken und nÿmpt dich mit siner rechten hant peÿ dem lincken arßbacken und wil dich uber rück werffen, So griff mit diner lincken hant ÿm auff sin lincke und griff in bÿ den fingern und prich ÿm die hant auff din lincke siten und var mit diner rechten hant an sin lincken elnbog[e] und nÿm ÿm daz gewiechtt.


The fourth breaking

Note: Someone has your face with his left hands and your arse with his right hand, and wants to throw you on your back, so get his left hand’s fingers with your left hand, breaking his hand on your left side and go with your right hand on his left elbow and take his weight.

(139r) Daß vierd reÿssen

Item Ist aber das peÿd schwertt gefangen sin, würff ÿm aber din knaupff in sin rechte siten und spring ÿm mit dinem rechten peyn hintter sin linckes und begriff ÿn mit diner lincken hant hinder seiner lincken hant peÿ dem arm und griff mit diner rechten hant ÿn beÿ sinem elnbog[e] und nÿm Im daß gewiecht.


(139r) The fourth ripping

Note: Both swords are locked, so let your pommel fall to his right side and spring with your right leg behind his left [leg], and grab his arm behind his left hand with your left hand, and with your right hand grab his elbow and take his weight.

Das fünfft reyssenn

Item Wan er din swertt gefangen hat und du daz sin, so ge durch beyde swert auff din lincke siten, so windestu ÿm sin swert auß daz ers dir also loßen müß, behelt er dan sin swertt und lest dir daz din, So tün sam dü ÿm zu dem gemecht stechen wolst, wertt er dir daz und griff mit siner lincken hant noch dem swertt, So stich unten durch durch sin swert auff sin rechte siten ÿm uber sin rechten arm an sin rechte prust, So prichstu ÿm sin swert auß siner hant, So wurff sin swert mit dem ortt gegen ÿm und mit dinem swertt vall in die obern hütt.


The fifth ripping

Note: If he locked your sword and you have his, then go through both swords on your left side, so you wind his sword from him so he must let go, and if he has his own and you have your own, then do as if you would thrust him to the bollix, so that he parries and yet again wants to grab [your] sword with his left hand, so thrust below and through, through his sword on his right side over his right arm to his shoulder so that you break his sword from his hand, and thrust him with his own sword while going into high ward with your sword.

Ein bruch

Item Wer dir daz thütt und dir dürch peÿden swertt lauffen will, Stoß ÿm beyde swertt uber den hals und mach die scher.


A breaking

Note: Someone does this to you and wants to run through with both swords, so push both swords over his neck and do the scissors.

Ein wider brüch

Item Wer dir die scher hat gemacht, so griff mit diner rechten hant von untten auff hintter sin rechten in daß peyn, daß den negell und den fingern (139v) oben sten und würff den din swertt fast von dir auff din lincke siten und ker dich gegen ÿm, auch auff din lincke siten und wend mit dinem knopff aussen uber sin rechte hant und schlag ÿn mit dem knaupff und mit dem gehultz, wo dü willst.


Another breaking

Note: Someone has done this scissors to you, so grab from below behind his right leg with your right hand so that your fingers (139v) look up, and let the point of your sword fall fast to your left side before you, and meet him from your left side and wind your pommel from outside over his right hand and hit him with your pommel or hilt wherever you wish.

Das sechst reyssenn

Item Wen die schwertt beyd gefangen sint, so wurff den knoupff fast von dir auff dine rechte siten und auff sin lincke site und spring mit dinem rechten peyn hinter sein linckes und griff mit diner rechten hant von unten auff ÿm In sein rechte uchsen und heb mit seinem swertt uber sich, So wurfftu yn auff dein rechte syten, daz ist daz best und daz lest under den reÿssen.


The sixth ripping

Note: If both swords are locked, then let your pommel fall fast from your right side to his left side and spring with your right leg behind his left [leg] and grab from below upon his right shoulder with your right hand and lift up with his sword so you will throw him on your right side.  That is the best and the last of the rippings.

Das ist ein stück

Item Sticht dir eyner zu dem gemecht, so stich ÿm auch zu dem gemecht einen stich, den andern stich von oben nider auff sin lincke hant zwischen sein beyden armen und wind mit dem knopff von unten auff ÿn sin rechte siten, Schrit mit dinem rechten peyn hinter sin linckes und wurff in uber die rück.


This is one bout

Note: Somebody thrusts you to your bollix, so thrust him to his bollix as well, the second thrust being downwards to his left hand between both his arms, and wind up your pommel from below to his right side, place your right leg behind his left [leg] and throw him to the ground.

Ein brüch

Item wer dir daß thutt so loß din swertt gen peÿ der clingen und begriff mit diner lincken hant hinten vber sin schultern und begriff din swert wider bÿ der clingen und druck yn vast zu dir und schwing dich von ÿm auff din rechten sÿtenn.


A breaking

Note: If somebody does this to you, then let go of your sword’s blade, grab with your left hand around his shoulders and grab your blade again, and press him fast to yourself, while swinging to your right side.

(140r) Ein stück

Item Arbeÿt er mit dir hoch und stich dir zu dem gesicht, so stich von unten auss zwischen sinen beÿde armen und uber sin lincke achsell, begriff ÿm mit diner lincken hant hintter seyne lincke und wurff din schwert mit dem pyntt auff din lincke achsell und griff mit diner rechten ym yn sin lincken elnbogen, stoß vast von unten auff und nim daz gewichtt, so plybt daz swert under seynem lincken arm zwüschen uwer peÿden.


(140r) One bout

Note: If your enemy works high with you and he thrusts to your face, so thrust from below between both his arms and over his left shoulder, grab him with your left hand behind his left [hand] and throw your sword’s handle upon your left shoulder, and  with your right [hand] grab tightly his left elbow, push fast upwards and take his weight, so the sword stays under his left arm between you both.

Aber ein stück

Item Arbeit er aber hoch mit dir, so stich aber unten auff zwuschen sinen beÿde armen und loß din lincke hant varn von der clingen und griff oben zu uber sein swertt riesch und begriff din swert wider bÿ der clingen und stos ÿm beÿde swertt ube den hals hinten uber sin rück gar ab hÿn ÿn sein beÿd knÿebug und reiß vast untten an dich und mit dem haupt stoß vast vob dir, so wurfftu ÿn auff den ruck.


Another bout

Note: If he works high with you, then thrust upwards between both his arms and let your left hand glide off the blade and grab it again by the blade after you locked his sword, and push both swords over his neck or even in his back down right to the knee-joints, and rip upwards fast with the head pushed fast from you, so he falls to the ground.

Ein bruch dar wider

Item Wer dir daz thün will und will dir die beÿde swert uber den hals stoßen, so far mit diner rechtenn hant in sein lincke siten uber sin ruck und schrit mit dinem rechten peyn vorn fur sein linckes peÿn und würff yn uber die hueff, der bruch gett zu beÿde site zü.


Yet another breaking

Note: If somebody wants to do this to you, and wants to put both swords over your neck, so go with your right hand to his left side over his back, step in with your right leg forward of his left leg, and throw him over your hip.  This break goes to both sides this way.

(140v) Ein stück

Item Stich ÿm Inwendig zu dem gesicht und begriff dan syn swert peÿ der clingen zu deinem swertt in din lincke hant und windt mit dinem knaupff von unten auff uber sin rechte hant und heb dan vast uber sich und reiß den auff din rechte siten, So blytt dir sein swert auff dem rechten arm, das ist daz swert nemen


(140v) One bout

Note: Thrust him inwardly to the face, and then grab his sword on the blade with your left hand and wind your pommel upwards over his right hand, lift him fast upwards, and rip him to your right side, so his sword stays upon the right arm.  This is the sword-taking.

Aber ein stück

Item Wan dü ÿm ÿn lauffest, so stich ÿm ußwendig zud sinem gesicht und griff mit dÿner lincken hant ÿm zwuschen sin peyn peyd hend in sin swertz clingen und loß dan din swert vallen und griff mit diner rechten hant hintter sin lincke auch in syn swert clingen und druck mit diner rechten hant sein swert vast zu dir in din rechte syten, So griff dan mit diner lincken hant von oben nÿder zwischen sin beyde arm, ym hinder sein rechte hant in sein pint / vnd wind denn mit seinem chnopf von vnden auf zwischen sein paide arm so nÿmpsteu Im daz schwert.


Another bout

Note: If you are running inside to him, then thrust inside to his face and grab his blade with your left hand between both his hands and let go of your sword and grab his blade behind his left hand and press his sword with your right hand fast to yourself to your right side, then grab with your left hand downwards between both his arms,  behind his right hand on the handle, and wind his pommel between both his arms from below.  So you take his sword.

Ein wider brüch

Item Wer dur daß thutt und dir daz swert will nemen und auß winden will so greif mit dyner rechten hant hinder sin rechte und mit dÿner lincken hintter sin rechten elnbogen, So gewinstu Im den rück ann.


Another breaking

Note: Someone wants to do this to you and wants to take your sword and wind on you, so grab him behind his right [hand] with your right hand, and with your left [hand] behind his right elbow, and so you win his back.

Aber ein stuck

Item Wan ir beyde umb ey swert umb ein schwert kryegt, So tracht daz dü habpst din lincke hant hintter (141r) sÿner rechten in sÿnem bÿndt und din rechte hantt zwüschen seinen beÿden hende in sÿns schwerts clingen, So begriff ÿn dan mit dÿner lincken hant hinder yn sÿncs rechte und griff dan mit dyner rechten von unten auff sein rechten arm und schrÿtt mÿt dynem rechten peÿn hÿnder synen lÿnckes, zück er das pein hinder sich, so schrÿtt zwüschen sÿn beyde peyn und stos ÿn dan sÿn arm mit diner lincken hant von dir auff din lincke sytenn und zuch ÿn mit der rechten sÿn rechte arm vast an dich und ein wenig uber sich uff din rechte sÿtenn so feltt er.


Another bout

Note: If you both wrestle over a single sword, then strive to have your left hand behind (141r) his right [hand] on his handle, and your right hand between both his hands over his sword’s blade; then grab with your left hand behind his right [hand], and with your right [hand] from below upon his right arm and step with your right leg behind his left [leg]; yet steps he back with his left [leg], then step between both his legs and push his arm from you with your left hand then on your left side, and pull his right arm with your right [hand] fast to you and a bit upwards on your right side.  So he will fall.

Finiß.                           1

In vigilia Maria Magdaglena 149i.


The End.                               1

Upon the Eve of Mary Magdalene in 1491.

You may reach Szabolcs Waldmann by e-mail.

A Kard Rendje ~ Order of the Sword

This Order is an independent Hungarian group which studies and teaches Medieval knightly combat with longsword, dagger, spear, rapier, unarmed wrestling and  reflex-bow.  Its goal is the collection, transcription, translation and interpretation of Medieval source-texts about European martial arts, while holding on to knightly philosophies and traditions.

Copyright 2005 by Szabolcs Waldmann.


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