About the ARMA
Real World Skills From Real History

ARMA - the Association for Renaissance Martial Arts, is an educational non-profit organization dedicated to the study and practice of historical fencing and the exploration and promotion of our Western martial heritage.

The ARMA focuses on the interpretation and legitimate reconstruction of Medieval and Renaissance combat systems as a modern discipline. The ARMA endeavors to approximate historical fighting skills through a curriculum of reconstructed techniques, principles, and methods for using a variety of swords, spears, shields, staff weapons, daggers, and unarmed grappling and wrestling skills as taught in numerous surviving books and manuscripts.

The ARMA’s efforts are directed toward resurrecting and recreating a legitimate craft of European fighting skills in a manner that is historically valid and martially sound.  We rely for our source material upon the dozens of rare surviving manuals of Medieval and Renaissance Masters of Defence.

The ARMA was established to promote the study of European fighting arts and arms & armor of the 15th – 17th centuries.  We are first and foremost a martial arts association. 

The earnest approach we advocate differs substantially from much of the fluff and fantasy-oriented escapism that in the past has occupied this subject.  The ARMA does not conduct costumed role-playing nor hold tournaments and sporting competitions.  We also do not perform choreographed fighting stunts.  Accurate investigation and interpretation of historical European fighting skills is our primary objective. Our emphasis is also on Spathology –the study of swords.

The ARMA is a leading voice in the resurrection and revival of lost European fighting arts from the late Medieval period through the mid-17th century. Founded in 1992, and online since 1996, (originally under the name “HACA”) we have been at the forefront of the Medieval and Renaissance fencing studies revival.  The ARMA website is the leading online resource for the subject. The ARMA’s influence and popularity has been an inspiration to many.  In a sea of misinformation, misconception, and sheer fiction, ours is one of few islands of reliable experience and information.  We continually revise and amend our training aids, study materials, and curricula.

The modern study of Renaissance martial arts
- History, Heritage, Exercise, Camaraderie, and Self-Defense.

The word “tradition” is from the Latin, tradere, and in the Medieval era its meaning was to transmit, as in the legacy of knowledge and wisdom each generation may pass on to the next. There is no question that in Western civilization transmission of arts and sciences has long taken the form of written technical words as well as illustrations of movement. By no means was it limited only a “living” practice spoken person to person. What the ARMA attempts to do is revitalize a martial tradition whose methods and techniques - as an intangible cultural heritage - have been preserved almost exclusively in written records, illustrations, iconography, and surviving artifacts. Our study today takes the form of cultural revitalization to revive and perpetuate elements forgotten traditions of a lost and endangered culture. In doing this, ours is a collective educational effort to revive, reconstruct, redevelop, and reclaim a lost heritage. For this challenge, the ARMA provides a means of practice and supply a curriculum of training. We offer resources and advice. We offer training tips and information. We offer experience and expertise. And we present a community and fellowship. But in return, we expect commitment, sincerity, integrity, and martial spirit, along with support for our credo and our standards. Members are more than just subscribers. We are partners working together to one again explore a fighting discipline.

Our Purpose:

  • Study European arms and armor from the point of view of their historical function and use.
  • Study historical source literature as instructional fighting guides.
  • Examine historical European martial culture within a broader historiographic context.
  • Study, Interpret, Practice, Promote, and Teach the martial arts of Renaissance Europe.

Our Objectives:

  • The ARMA offers classes, workshops, and seminars through our continually revised system of established drills and exercises (Armatura).  Our curriculum also includes a Certification & Ranking structure for students and instructors.
  • The ARMA provides a Training Program allowing students to learn and practice within a common structure that is historically valid and martially sound.
  • The ARMA seeks to advance the quality of skills demonstrated with Medieval and Renaissance weaponry.
  • The ARMA offers Associate Members a variety of benefits, advantages, and opportunities in pursuit of their studies.
  • The ARMA attempts to improve the relationship between practitioners and academics in order to stimulate the exchange of knowledge and encourage understanding of historical European combat skills.
  • The ARMA makes it a primary aim to raise the level of scholarship within the historical fencing community with its emerging interest in source texts.

Our efforts to combine academic and athletic rigor in this subject is a conscious following of the idea of the Renaissance man with his combining of liberal and martial arts.

Read more here:
Introduction to Historical
European Martial Arts

A large part of the ARMA’s energy is directed at interpretation and integration of translated source material into practical hands-on curriculum.  Interpretation and reconstruction of Medieval and Renaissance fighting arts are still only in their infancy. Bringing to public study the numerous manuals of the Masters of Defence is an important part of our efforts. The ARMA encourages and supports efforts at translating these invaluable texts.

The wealth of fighting manuals currently being studied by many in the historical fencing community is only the tip of a very large iceberg. We have only just begun to scratch the surface in examining the profusion of material now coming to light. Avoiding misinterpretation and error in our study is a continual challenge. While the Internet is frequently awash with inaccurate information on our subject, the growing community of serious enthusiasts and amateur researchers of Medieval and Renaissance fighting arts has long been in need of reputable sources of guidance. 

In the effort to bring a higher degree of integrity, dignity, and authority to these efforts, the ARMA has gathered a list of knowledgeable specialists in several major fields on which we can call on as reference sources. As ARMA Expert Consultants we have historians, anthropologists, linguists, forensic pathologists, curators, armorers, swordsmiths, metallurgists, researchers, scholars, fencers, martial artists, and reenactors. Our panel includes such noted individuals as Dr. Sydney Anglo, David Edge of the Wallace Collection, John Waller of the Royal Armories, and a variety of historians, professors, scientists, bladesmiths, and craftsmen.

We are passionate about our subject and it is our sincere wish to see historical European martial arts acquire the respect and attention they deserve.  Our intent is directed toward raising the credibility, legitimacy, and standards of practice within this field while redeveloping genuine martial skills and teaching ability. To this end, we have established a long-term research effort as well as a proven Training Program.

heavybladeinuse2.jpg (2297 bytes)“That there are persons of mistaken ideas in almost every Art or Science, is what few will deny. Yet I am inclined to believe there are more erroneous opinions entertained with regard to the Art of using the Sword than on most other subjects.”
- Joseph Roland, Amateur of Fencing, 1809

We do not study historical fencing so that it will be incomprehensible to all but a narrow group of specialists, merely fuel escapist role-playing, or be devoid of any practical application. Rather, we explore it because we love history and enjoy the improvement it provides our understanding and practice of the craft as its own end. Inherent in this is the idea within Renaissance culture of the pursuit of excellence—the joy of individual distinction and accomplishment—as exemplified in chivalric romance and articulated by Humanists scholars and pursued by courtier gentlemen.

In the ARMA we are not content to merely speculate upon the manner in which a technique or action might theoretically be done at speed. We are not satisfied until we confidently understand their performance in a martial and repeatable manner.

"With Knightly joy,
as you will note,
The art of fencing I did promote
With axe and halberd, staff and sword,
As it did please my royal Lord;
All done by rule and properly
So the true basis you may see"
-  Hans Hollywars, 15th century

The ARMA was the first comprehensive attempt at an organization established specifically to advance scholarship into, and practice of, Medieval and Renaissance fighting arts, and offer a modern historically based curricula.   ARMA's intention is not the "play and display" way. We place concern exclusively on acquiring technical knowledge and physical skills, rather than theoretical or academic understanding focused only on form –as these were not what the craft historically was all about.

The ARMA web site is structured for two primary functions. The first is to introduce ARMA's purpose and methods to interested parties, and the second is to educate the community while supporting individual Members and Study Groups.

The ARMA idea is to allow people to freely and seriously practice this subject without the concerns of staged fighting and sporting play, or the distractions of role-playing and fantasy.

For this, we have supplied general material on our training methods and sparring systems, noteworthy articles and essays, historical manuals and scholarly works, research material and suggested reading, relevant or worthwhile links, a listing of ARMA Members & Study Groups as well as other interested persons, discussion Forums, plus a range of other items from our international network of members and fellow enthusiasts within the historical European martial arts community.

The ARMA website offers a "homebase" for sharing and exchanging information in the study of historical fighting skills and the function and use of historical arms and armor. Above all, promoting the accurate reconstruction and replication of our Western martial-heritage is the site's mission.

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Our Website features:

·        Online Historical Manuals
·        Articles & Essays
·        Study Materials
·        Training Tips
·        Research Forum
·        Reading List / Bibliography
·        Book Reviews & Interviews
·        Photo & Video Gallery
·        National Training Program
·        Member’s Area Resources
·        Youth Page
·        Private Member’s Area


We have known for some time that there is a good deal of misconception and misinformation on historical European martial arts, and many are sincerely working at changing this. But there is also a large section of the interested public who are entirely at a loss as to how to get involved, how to start training, what to practice, and how they can enjoy studying this subject on their own.  In effect, this is what a large portion of the ARMA site is already about. 

Our recent effort to follow “old swordplay” is not the first.  Such an effort actually was underway over 100 years ago.  Several Victorian-era military men were fencers interested in the history of swordplay.  Their legacy is with us in the current resurgent interest in historical fencing. 

Rather than an academic game of the fencing salle or a skill of the fading duel of honor, these soldier-scholar antiquarians viewed swordsmanship as practical knowledge that was still a necessity for military men. Instead of using then current systems of classical fencing, they pursued as their guide the old forgotten styles found in the historical manuals.

In many ways, today's enthusiasts of Historical European martial arts attempting to construct a modern curricula are the inheritors of the efforts by these “private gentleman devoted to the noble science.”


ARMA’s conceptualization has been largely influenced by the work of Dr. Sydney Anglo as presented in his monumental and revolutionary book, The Martial Arts of Renaissance Europe (Yale University Press 2000).  As our official senior adviser, Dr. Anglo has been instrumental in retooling our vision of historical fencing.   His research, along with other recent advances in this subject, has changed the face of fencing and martial arts and had a profound impact on our subject. 

The word arma (pronounced ‘arm-uh’) in Latin as well as Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese means, appropriately enough, “weapon”.  In the 11th century Anselm referred to Armati or the "heavily armed ones". For knights in 13th century France, it also referred to “the valor of a fighter,” appropriate, not only in the sense of the historical period itself, but also the idea of renewal and revival, of reawakening. The word Renaissance, meaning literally “rebirth” or “renewal”, describes the radical and comprehensive changes that took place in European culture during roughly the 14th to 16th centuries. The Renaissance is the name given the great intellectual and cultural movement which occurred in these centuries.  Rebirth was often a key concept in Medieval and Renaissance literature, which spoke of “restoration” and a “reflowering” of civilization.  The notion of a new age of rebirth itself actually began in the 14th century with the poet Petrarch. This view took hold in the Italian states during the 15th century and was termed the rinascità.  Currently we are witnessing an unprecedented resurgence and recovery—a renaissance—in lost knowledge of historical European fighting arts!  

RapierFight_copy.jpg (31297 bytes)Many historians describe the Renaissance as beginning in the early 1400s or even prior.   The idea of a “Renaissance” is itself unique to Western Civilization.  Only Western Europe experienced this distinctive transforming period which gave rise to so many accomplishments of human progress.  Although the Renaissance is considered a period of rebirth in Western Civilization, it also saw greater devastation and larger, bloodier wars than did either the Middle Ages or classical ancient world.  The ARMA is of course equally committed to Medieval combat skills and Medieval fighting manuals as it is to those of the "Renaissance period".  While the ARMA focuses on both eras, in this subject the two ages are not that clearly separated.  Medieval and Renaissance fighting arts are intertwined and historians find it difficult to offer a precise demarcation between them. The fighting arts we study date from at least the 13th century and show a clear continuity in principles and concepts into the 17th. Since 1954, the Renaissance Society of America (www.rsa.org), the leading academic organization in the Americas for the interdisciplinary study of the period 1300-1650 in Western history, has also used the same time frame for its working definition of the "Renaissance."

3Rapier copy.jpg (42502 bytes)However, since the vast majority of our source texts are from post 1400, with the only evidence for “Medieval” systems of fencing coming from a mere two or three earlier texts, the phrase “Renaissance martial arts” is thus actually more fitting and accurate for this subject.   While a distinction between what constitutes the martial arts of the true Middle Ages and those of the actual Renaissance can actually be difficult to draw, when it comes to actual “Medieval” text sources, at present only one surviving text from the late 1200s and one from the late 1300s are known. This stands in contrast to dozens from the period c.1350-1650.

TwoHanders_copy.jpg (31289 bytes)We understand the choice of some to employ the label “Medieval martial arts” for Medieval fencing activities or those specifically pursuing later 16th and 17th century styles calling their pursuit “Renaissance martial arts”.  Yet, while the civilian method of the later foyning rapier was certainly exclusive to the Renaissance, and knightly sword and shield combat all but exclusive to the Middle Ages, the methods used in the 14th and 15th centuries found continued application and refinement in the 16th.  Rather than attempt to draw a distinct line between the combative systems of the Middle Ages and those of the Renaissance (or be forced to always say “Medieval and Renaissance martial arts”), we choose to apply the term Renaissance martial arts to the whole.  Though each period had distinctive elements to their fighting skills, their overall foundation is one of continuity and shared legacy. 

The ARMA is the official representative for the martial arts of Renaissance Europe to the World Martial Arts Union (WoMAU). Under the official patronage of UNESCO, the WoMAU is a Non-Governmental Organization for sustaining Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Weapon exercises were known to the Romans as Armatura. In the Renaissance, an Armígero was a bearer or professor of arms.  A 16th century arms and armor making guild in Pisa was known as the Armaroli.  In 1611, John Florio defined the Italian word A’rma as “any weapon or armor”.  The motto of the 16th century Royal Artillery company in England was, Arma pacis fulcra – “armed strength for peace”, from the Roman proverb, “Arms are the props of peace”, meaning essentially peace through strength. This holds true for us today.

The historical masters were "still participating in a living tradition" but "Nowadays, that option is no longer available to us." - Dr. Sydney Anglo, leading expert on historical fencing treatises. (The Martial Arts of Renaissance Europe, p. 94)

"Cunning defeats any strength"
- The Master Filippo Vadi 

"Practice is better than Art, 
because your practice will suffice without art, while the art means nothing without practice."

- Hanko Doebringer
14th century

The ARMA Program

Our energies and efforts are naturally devoted toward developing our fellows within the standards of our program's curricula; one that sets the highest example of martial spirit, physical ability, and self-defense skills in this craft. 

What makes the ARMA’s knowledge and training program unique?  The ARMA classes, workshops, and seminars utilize our continually revised system of established drills and exercises---Armatura.   The ARMA is no mere Internet group of costumed reenactors that popped into existence with the recent explosion of the World Wide Web.  Ours is not a curriculum derived from 19th century fencing styles or modern theatrical combat theories.  The ARMA system reflects almost a decade of use in exploring the subject of Medieval and Renaissance arms and armor and associated fighting skills.  From early in its formation our aim has been to re-develop genuine ability through serious study of surviving fencing texts. 

Too many martial arts today are watered down and hyped up while missing the vital middle ground.  As pursued within the ARMA Study Approach, our historical fighting craft does not suffer this defect.

The ARMA's system is specifically designed for individuals training by themselves or learning alone without guidance, but also focuses on working together as a fighting guild in separate "Study Groups."

We attempt to follow the model of the historical masters and schools, and that means genuine fighting skills matched with genuine appreciation for Renaissance martial culture. That also means we are not an assortment of loners and amateur cliques all posturing for prestige and vying for influence, pushing their commercial products, and maneuvering for credit in promoting sport contests. Given the nature of martial arts study in the modern world, all of this kind is more or less inevitable. A better alternative is also inevitable: a renewal effort such as what the ARMA represents, as a truer approach to sincerely emulating these lost martial traditions. Our association takes a long term view to the subject and the individual student. There is no better way to express it than to say what we are all about is history, heritage, self-defense, and camaraderie.

"I believe the adoption of any curriculum for the practice of a martial art is not just a matter of holding policies toward training or techniques, rather, it's about having a philosophy of learning a combative discipline. " - John Clements, ARMA Director

The ARMA Study Approach and Training Methodology: Our Study Approach is essentially a means of researching and interpreting Medieval and Renaissance martial arts. Our Training Methodology is a means of reconstructing and practicing historical fencing skills.  Together they present an innovative and influential system for exploring and reviving our Western martial heritage.

Drills, Exercises, Free-Play, and Test-cutting:

There is an interesting parallel to the ARMA method found within one of the world's foremost elite infantry fighting forces –the United States Marine Corps.  To train its recruits in bayonet fighting skills, the Marines rely on three tools: steel bayonets, wooden bayonets, and padded bayonets. Actual bayonets are used for acquiring familiarity with the weapon and for practice in stabbing at targets. Wooden practice bayonets are employed for safer drills and exercises, both alone and with a partner. Finally, padded pugil-sticks are used in full-contact sparring lessons.  The Marine Corps, ever known for the pragmatic no-nonsense approach to combat training, found the best instruction was gained from the combination of unique lesson provided by each tool.

The ARMA believes understanding of Medieval and Renaissance fencing must involve much more than simply posing and “dancing” with a weapon, or scoring imaginary “points” in a game, and certainly far more than artistically “faking” a fight.  To demonstrate sound fighting skills with documented historical techniques requires not choreography, nor 19th century duelling styles, but martial ability and historical authenticity. We felt a problem for the modern student of Medieval and Renaissance fencing was that, while there already was an established sport fencing community, an established theatrical fencing community, an established fantasy fencing and established living-history/reenactment community, there previously was no recognized and respected “Martial Arts” community. Approaching this subject more holistically, and as martial artists, not sportsmen, performers, or role-players, the ARMA felt these other communities only touched on, but they did not embody a martial arts approach (and certainly do not exclusively represent it). Thus, the ARMA (until 2001 known previously as “HACA”) re-established itself for individuals to pursue Medieval and Renaissance martial arts with like-minded colleagues sharing a love for historical European weapons and swordsmanship!

Read more here:
The ARMA System for Renaissance Martial Arts Practice

The ARMA's main program consists of our research efforts and Training Program – A Western martial arts study system for Student Ranking or Instructor Certification. Using the ARMA Study Approach and Training Methodology, it offers students the chance to exchange ideas as well as benefit from the expertise offered by ARMA instructors and senior students. We have a developed curricula of classes and workshops.  Above all we are a martial arts organization with high standards and a code of conduct but total autonomy in sparring guidelines. Sportifying the historical Art of of Defense into artificial contests is not among our goals or interests. 

There is no question that there were men in the age who were experts at fighting. There is also no question some of them wrote down how to do this. They described their teachings by giving names to the actions and moves they knew and to the concepts they devised for both. It is this very body of lost knowledge that we now are attempting to learn.

Among practitioners of historical fencing there are differing interpretations (sometime radically so) over the source materials. ARMA feels confident in ours precisely because we have a decidedly no-nonsense martial approach focused on the true historical purpose and function of the craft and following from an understanding of the physical mechanics involved in the realistic handling of actual weapons. What we seek is not esoteric scholarship for scholarship's sake, but for the advancement of physical application and performance of literary interpretations.

Serious study of the traditional martial arts of Renaissance Europe has only recently begun to be explored and reconstructed in a credible and legitimate manner. For many decades the subject was portrayed as little more than concocted display and stunt performance at the same time it was ignored by scholars. While traditional Asian martial arts certainly have their own unfortunate share of the same kind absurd claims and fantasy role-playing surrounding their modern practice as their Western counterpart, they have also existed with many fine examples and credible experts. The same cannot be said for the teachings of genuine Renaissance martial arts.

Further ARMA activities include:

  • Develop a continually refined and increasingly accurate interpretation of the historical teachings  from the source literature.
  • Maintain a practical understanding of how these principles and concepts were applied by fighting men in actual combat.
  • Follow a broad, pragmatic interpretation of the historical sources that is focused on earnest physical application of their teachings.
  • Refine a curriculum of martial training and practice through transcriptions, translations, interpretations, and physical application of the source literature.
  • Encouraging the development of historical fencing equipment and commercial training gear while supporting and promoting the production of historically accurate replica swords and weaponry.
  • Promoting interest in and advancement of Medieval and Renaissance fencing.
  • Raising the quality of discourse on the subject while promoting its investigation.
  • Protecting the rights of enthusiasts to purchase and own accurate replicas of swords and historical weaponry through legal and legislative action.  
  • Offering to the public reliable educational resources and expert guidance on the fighting arts of the late Middle Ages and Renaissance as well as a consulting service for schools and the media.
  •   Developing and supporting affiliated Study Groups following the ARMA system and our work to be strong, quick, and fluid in our techniques.
  • Networking with a worldwide community of historical-fencers and promoting open dialogue and exchange.

Read more here: ARMA FAQ

ARMA's Affirmations – a declaration of commitment

Good martial arts training does not just build character, its reveals character.

Our Credo of Renaissance Martial Arts Studies

Respect for History and Heritage
Sincerity of Effort
Integrity of Scholarship
Appreciation of Martial Spirit
Cultivation of Self-Discipline

In studying Renaissance martial arts, we hold the following to be paramount:

  •  Offering instruction in a developed curriculum of Renaissance combat skills that is historically sound and martially valid.
  • Offering an economically accessible Training Program for Members nationwide.
  •  Presenting workshops and seminars worldwide using the ARMA System.
  • Providing for a safe, realistic and practical method of experiencing Medieval & Renaissance fencing skills.
  • Having realistic and historically accurate Free-Play / Sparring Guidelines using a friendly, practical, and inexpensive approach.
  • Conducting practice and test-cutting with historically accurate replica weapons.
  • Organizing mock-combat practices and group battle sessions.
  • Creating a membership where prestige and position is based upon combat prowess, scholarship, and leadership rather than mere longevity or association.
  • Being a community-based, non-profit educational group with minimal membership fees while avoiding rigidity, bureaucracy, and authoritarianism.
  • Concerning ourselves with development of real skill in free-play / sparring –not just getting good at “using a set of sparring rules.”
  • Observing that our mock-fighting does not become idiosyncratic or stylistic.
  • Encouraging the necessity of constant practice, improvement, and scholarship upon all members.
  • Incorporating actual historical sources and experience with real weapons at every step of study.
Our concern is for the reconstruction and replication of historical combat as safely as possible without forgetting the intention of training in a true martial manner. The ARMA methodology is systematic and innovative, but because the historical source materials are incomplete, either because they are not compressive or because we have only partial translations, our interpretations are tentative. Thus, we teach what we have and use our knowledge and experience to fill in the gaps. We must be ever aware that only the original author of a text knows exactly what he meant by each technique, concept, or illustration. Since the old Masters are not around to tell us, we must interpret their teachings alone. This is difficult, but also an enjoyable challenge.

ARMA's efforts stand out because we do not assume a priori that all methods and interpretations are always equal, and we are not about validating or accommodating every approach, but instead involved with setting standards for Renaissance martial arts practitioners while continually challenging students to do better. Our members recognize this perspective as one that's vigorous and exciting.

The ARMA is the only organization of its kind run by a professional instructor of historical European fighting arts with demonstrable mastery over its methods and techniques. But it is through the collaborative effort of a fellowship students and researchers that we can best train ourselves, then train one another.  This requires a process whereby reconstructive  interpretation of the historical teachings involves application of their methods and techniques with correct physicality (energy, speed, athleticism, martial spirit, and proper mindset).

In the ARMA approach to historical fencing studies we do not deemphasize the violence of the subject, we do not deemphasize the athleticism of the subject, and we do not deemphasize the necessary intensity required to practice the craft. Correspondingly, we do not exaggerate the pageantry, courtesy, etiquette, or ritual that may have sometimes surrounded it.

Being a part of the old fighting guilds and studying under a master in a Fechtschule was about much more than having the martial spirit and physical conditioning to skillfully execute techniques. It was also about shared values and issues of camaraderie, mutual respect, trust, and loyalty. Experiencing these things is as much a part of exploring and celebrating our Renaissance martial heritage as is learning fighting techniques.  It is no less an aspect to revive than the skills themselves.

Read more here:
Doing Things the ARMA Way
Our Chosen Model and Example
Core Assumptions and the Exploration of Historical Fencing

"Though there are People of a bad Taste in every Art or Science,
there are more in that of Fencing than in others,
as well by Reason of little Understanding of some Teachers,
as of the little Practice of some Learners,
who not acting upon a good Foundation,
or long enough, to have a good idea of it,
argue so weakly on this Exercise…"
- Monsieur L'Abbat, 1734

ARMAsmall.jpg (7656 bytes)Earnest interest in Medieval and Renaissance fighting arts has exploded in recent years.  Never before has so much information and effort been placed into this subject before. We are at the beginning of a new “renaissance” in the study of Historical European Martial Arts. This is an exciting time to participate and be a part of a living effort to revive a forgotten martial art. Come join us in celebrating the art and science of Renaissance martial arts!

Joining ARMA as an official Associate Member offers many advantages to researchers and practitioners of Medieval and Renaissance combat. A range of special training tips and study material is offered in the private member’s section. 

Go to the New Members page for details and application. 


Note: The word "ARMA" and its associated arms emblem is a federally registered trademark under U.S. Reg. No. 3831037. In addition, the content on this website is federally registered with the United States Copyright Office, © 2001-2022. All rights are reserved. No use of the ARMA name and emblem, or website content, is permitted without authorization. Reproduction of material from this site without written permission of The Association for Renaissance Martial Arts and its respective authors is strictly prohibited. Additional material may also appear from "HACA" The Historical Armed Combat Association copyright © 1999-2001 by John Clements. All rights are reserved to that material as well.

