
On the Practice of Armored Foot-Combat

"All of Them and None of Them"


The Classical View of Swordsmanship Becoming Sport

The Contextual Dilemma of Learning Self-Defence

If I Had a Hammer..."

Swordsmen and Swordsmiths - Restoring an Ancient Relationship

Two Analogies for Renaissance Martial Arts Study

Editorial: The Sorry State of Academic Journal Writing on Medieval and Renaissance Combat Arts

Vaage, Reverse Posture, & Turned Foot in Armor

Feeling in Time

Means and Methods

Fighting is Not Complicated

Striking and Counter-striking

The Sword in Duel

Martial Arts Heritage is as Global as it is Personal

The Sword in War

Prowess is a "Three-Legged Stool"

Some Observations on Engagement Posture With the Rapier

On Walking Fencing

A Foray into Fiore's Metaphor: Context for Studying His Dagger Section

The Ongoing Challenge of Modern Sword Design and Sword Making

"Seek to thoroughly understand..."

Editorial: Reflection and Personal Growth in Renaissance Martial Arts Study

Brent Smith Lifestyle Interview with John Clements

"Art of Swords" Interview with ARMA Director John Clements

Editorial: Authentic Mare & Historical European Fighting Arts on Television? ...Don't hold your breath

Recounting Experiences with a TV Documentary on Knight vs. Samurai

Challenges and Rewards

PBS NOVA: Secrets of the Viking Sword

Meditatio et Contemplatio

Musings Upon the Spirit of Renaissance Martial Culture

Recreational Sportification Ruins Historical Combat Discipline

Our Chosen Model and Example

Indigenous martial arts evolved in the west as well as the east

Editorial: Our Holistic Approach to Research and Study

Editorial: Fooling Ourselves

Fighting in Slow Motion

Worst Case Scenarios

Between Canon and Art

Which Weapon is Right for You?

Why the Centrality of the Longsword?

A Layman's Understanding of Damascus Steel

Sword Talk with John Clements - Podcast

The Humanist Component Within Renaissance Martial Arts Teachings

ARMA on National Geographic's "Medieval Fight Book"

What to Call this Martial Art?

The Intangible Cultural Heritage of Martial Traditions

Why Are You Standing Still?

Why a Fellowship?

Historical Fencing Footwear

The Interrelatedness within the Martial Arts of Renaissance Europe

Fighting Skeptic - Of Martial Arts and Magic Arts

Volta, Key and Scale

ARMA International Gathering 2009

Where's All the Ground Fighting?

Our New "Rosetta Stone" - Advancing Reconstruction of Forgotten European Fighting Arts

Our Credo - the ARMA "Code of Conduct"

The Challenge of Defining a Martial Art

Editorial: Matching Goals with Means in Your Historical Fencing Practice

Editorial: A Sword Story

ARMA Memoriam Tribute to swordsmith Paul Champagne

Ten Reasons Why Longsword Fencing Differs... So Much from Modern Fencing

Reclaiming the Art of the Blade

Ringen Vocabulary (PDF)

Avoiding the Temptation to Systematize

The Centrality of the Longsword in RMA Study

Renaissance Martial Arts - The Web Documentary

Longsword and Katana Considered

Opining on the State of the Art - A Conversation with ARMA Director John Clements

ARMA International Gathering 2007

Fight-Book Clues to Quality and Build of Knightly Weaponry

Getting Punchy – Fist-Fighting, Wrestling and Fight-Books

Duel of Theobald versus Seitz – Germany, 1370

A comparative pictorial study of the Wards and techniques of the I.33 or Tower Fechtbuch

Modern "Masters"?

Interview with Master Bladesmith Kevin Cashen

The Fight-Book from 1459 AD by Hans Talhoffer 

The Sword Show - Flats & Edges

On Our Western Martial Heritage

Using the “F” Word – The Role of Fitness in Historical Fencing

Teaching and Training with Intent

Considerations for Female Practitioners in Renaissance Martial Arts?

“Fence with all your strength…”

Hey Mister that sword real?

"To Spar or Not to Spar?..."

Historical Fencing Study
- The British Legacy

Martial Art or Combat Sport?
How to tell where your fencing fits in

The Importance of Studying the Fechtbuchs

“Tactical” Swordsmanship - Scenario-Based Training for the Sword

Breaking All the Rules
Thoughts on Weapon Sparring Guidelines

Defining Historical Fencing

The Art of Well Meaning Error
A look at the Misconceptions of a Classical Maestro

The ARMA Study Method
for Swordsmanship

Inside ARMA's Sparring Systems

Ne'er the twain:
Thoughts on the Martial Arts/Performing Arts Dichotomy

What Makes An Expert?
Editorial on What is Martial Knowledge

Fed Up With Inferior Hilts
Editorial on the Poor Quality of Replicas

The London Masters of Defence and Elizabethan "Prize Playing"

The Influence of Spanish Renaissance Swordsmanship on Filipino Martial Arts?

From the Fringe - the sad reality of modern sword crime

ARMA Editorials: Opinion & Commentary

Editorial: Matching Goals with Means in your Historical Fencing Practice

Editorial: A Sword Story

Editorial: Making Better Sense

Editorial: Commemorating Our Martial Tradition

Editorial: On the Threshold

Editorial: Sense and Pretense

Reviewing Reviews - Considerations on replica sword opinions

Understanding the Origins of Misconceptions - Where do false impressions come from?

One Student - A Yearling's Perspective

The Process of Learning Lost Martial Arts

The Death of a Martial Art?

What exactly is this?

Renaissance Man - Jan '03

Historical Fencing and Re-Enacting

The Source Manuals: Some Thoughts on the Problems of Interpretation and Application

"Interpreting" Examples: Thoughts on the Quality of Replica Swords

Content & Character – Historical Fencing Information on the Web

The "Politically Correct" Study of European Martial Arts?

"Renaissance Swordsmanship" book 4-Year Anniversary

Martial Arts Unbelief: "At the Edge of Knowledge"

Fantasy of Swords
Editorial on the Inaccuracy of Replicas

Observations on Traditional Fencing in Relation to the Study and Practice of Renaissance and Medieval Fighting

On Fighting & Swordsmanship

How Were Swords Really Made?

New Youth Page Q&A:"Why are there so many kinds of swords?"

Fiore Dei Liberi Study Guide - PDF

Interview with swordsmith Peter Johnsson

The Real History of the Crusades

Interview with swordsmith Paul Champagne

Mertein Hündsfelder:
Fechtlehre mi dem Kurzen Schwert c.1491

Some Historical Swiss Swords Examined

Armor Research Society Conference; Chicago 2005

Top Myths of Renaissance Martial Arts

Talhoffer and Causes for Fighting

Master Ott's Wrestling

The Physical Reality of Forceful Edge Impacts

Talhoffer Longsword: Armoured and Unarmoured

Modern English version of Hanko Döbringer's Fechtbuch from 1389

Fabris the Assassin

Core Assumptions and the Exploration of Historical Fencing

The Weighty Issue of Two-Handed Greatswords

The Mastercuts - What They Are and What They Aren't

History and Heritage

On Damaged Edge

Sir John Reresby: Seventeenth-Century Scrapper

History of the Pell

What did Historical Swords Weigh?

The Myth of Cutting vs. Thrusting Swords

Sigmund Ringeck's Knightly Art of the Longsword

ARMA International Gathering 2003

Intro to Historical European Martial Arts

A Brief Look at Stances & Guards of Medieval Longsword

Sword Motions & Impacts

The Sword & Buckler Tradition

Lignitzer's Sword & Buckler Teachings

Wasters - The History of Wooden Swords

The Myth of Edge-on-Edge Parrying in Medieval Swordplay

What Makes an Effective Sword Cut

Critical Characteristics of Swords?

Analysis - A 15th Century Fencing Poem

Legs, Wounds, & Standing Up in Historical Fencing - A look at accounts of leg injuries in sword combat

Pietro Monte - from Medieval to Renaissance Master...once again

The Pell - Training historical-style

How to Teach Understanding of Parrying
Informal Advice on Training with Medieval Blades Part 1  Part 2

How to Teach an Understanding of Parrying - Part III: The Two Positions

Medieval Swordsmanship book
2nd Edition Supplement

On The Edge of Knowledge:
Parrying With A Cutting Sword

The Use of Kicks in Swordfighting: A Brief Explanation

Kneeling Down in Weapon
Sparring Rules

The Importance of the Full Leg Target in Weapon Sparring

The Medieval European Knight vs. The Feudal Japanese Samurai?

On Renaissance Fencing & Weaponry

Questions and Answers About the Rapier

The Extraordinary Streetfight of Sir Kenelm Digby

Late-16th Century German Fencing from the Codex Guelf 83

Duel of the Century - the Jarnac-Chastaganeraye Judicial Combat of 1547

Pinder's Contest - 16th century rural English Prizing

Peachey the Shoomaker's Challenge

Renaissance Martial Arts Literature

Rapier Combats in Early 17th century English Literature

Italian Rapier Fencing Glossary

Stick Fights & Boxing in Renaissance Venice
Also see La Verra Antiga Part I (PDF) - 1MB and La Verra Antiga Part II (PDF)
Published by permission of Nova Scrimia

The Truth of the Sword – The 'Lost' Fencing Book of the Marquis of Newcastle, c. 1650

Consideration of Grappling & Wrestling in Renaissance Fencing

Achille Marozzo's Opera Nova of 1536
A modern Italian Interpretation

What Have We Learned From ARMA Rapier Fencing? - Senior students offer insights

Frederico Ghisliero's Regole c.1587

The Compleat Sword-Man: An Introduction to Sir William Hope

Broadsword or Broad Sword?
Settling the Question of What'’s in a Name

The Practical Saviolo - A Brief Guide to a Rapier Master
Parts 1 & 2, includes Glossary

Antique & Replica Schiavonas
Examinations of Replicas and Antiques

Evaluating A Replica Sword to Purchase
or "So You Want To Buy A Sword"

A First Experience in Rapier Fencing
A Martial Artist's Perspective

Replication of Rapier Fencing Today
Thoughts on Reconstructing Historical Fighting Arts

Katana vs. Rapier - Fantasy Worth Considering

2nd Edition Comments and Notes for
Renaissance Swordsmanship:
The Illustrated Use of Rapiers and
Cut and Thrust Swords


Older Guest Essays:

There Is No Best Sword

Hype... As Ancient an Art as Sword Making

Exclusive Interview with
Hank Reinhardt: Part 1
, Part 2, new Part 3

Living In Two Realities - The Obligations of Choreography

Setting The Record Straight: The Art of the Sword in Medieval Europe

The Deeds of Jacque de Lalaing
Feats of Arms by a 15th Century Knight

The Changing Face of Truth

See Also
Book Reviews

Author Submissions
& Writers Guidelines

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of Renaissance martial arts.

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