New Updates & Information in our Public Area

Added May 2024

"All of Them and None of Them"
The Classical View of Swordsmanship Becoming Sport

Added February 2022

The Contextual Dilemma of Learning Self-Defence

Added June 2021

"If I Had a Hammer..."

Added February 2021

Swordsmen and Swordsmiths - Restoring an Ancient Relationship

Added July 2020

Video: A New Conception for Learning and Teaching Core Stances and Motions

Added June 2020

Editorial: Two Analogies for Renaissance Martial Arts Study

Added May 2020

Book Review: The Art of Fencing: The Forgotten Discourse of Camillo Palladini Edited by Piermarco Terminiello and Joshua Pendragon

Added April 2020

Vaage, Reverse Posture, & Turned Foot in Armor
Editorial: The Sorry State of Academic Journal Writing on Medieval and Renaissance Combat Arts

Added May 2019

Feeling in Time

Added December 2018

Means and Methods

Added November 2018

Fighting is Not Complicated

Added October 2018

Striking and Counterstriking

Added December 2017

Book Review: Late Medieval and Early Modern Fight Books: Transmission and Tradition of Martial Arts in Europe (14th-17th Centuries) Edited by Daniel Jaquet, Karin Verelst, and Timothy Dawson
Book Review: Irish Swordsmanship: Fencing and Dueling in Eighteenth Century Ireland by Ben Miller

Added August 2017

Book Review: Warhammer, the Forgotten Weapon: Its History through Examples by James Roth

Added March 2017

The Sword in Duel

Added January 2017

Martial Arts Heritage is as Global as it is Personal
The Sword in War
Video: A Lesson on the Key

Added May 2016

Video: Sword and Buckler - Fundamental #5

Added March 2016

Prowess is a "Three-Legged Stool"

Added February 2016

Some Observations on Engagement Posture With the Rapier
On Walking Fencing

Added October 2015

Video: Bridge Battle Session
Video: Working with the Cross
A Foray into Fiore's Metaphor: Context for Studying His Dagger Section

Added April 2015

Video: John Farthing's ARMA Prize Playing Highlights (2013)

Added September 2014

Video: With the Flat

Added August 2014

The Ongoing Challenge of Modern Sword Design and Sword Making
Book Review: Medieval Wrestling: Modern Practice of a Fifteenth Century Art by Jessica Finley
Book Review: The Sword of Combat or The Use of Fighting with Weapons by François Dancie, translated by Rob Runacres & Thibault Ghesquiere

Added February 2014

Book Review: German Longsword Study Guide by Keith Farrell and Alex Bourdas

Added January 2014

"Seek to thoroughly understand..."
Book Review: The Longsword Teachings of Master Liechtenauer: The Early Sixteenth Century Swordsmanship Comments in the "Goliath" Manuscript

Added November 2013

Editorial: Reflection and Personal Growth in Renaissance Martial Arts Study

Added October 2013

Brent Smith Lifestyle Interview with John Clements
"Art of Swords" Interview with ARMA Director John Clements
Manual: Codex Guelf 83.4.Aug.8° -1591 (Translation)
Manual: Johannes Georges Bruchius - "Of the Single Rapier" -1671
Video: Practicing with the Longsword
Book Review: Nicolaes Petter: Wrestler & Wine Merchant by Jerome Blanes

Added August 2013

"Art of Swords" Interview with Deputy Director John Farthing
Video: Free-Play at IG13 - Joey Marmorato vs. Ryan Woo

Added April 2013

Book Review: Furies: War in Europe 1450-1700 by Lauro Martines

Added February 2013

Video: Hitting Yourself
Video: Fuhlen and Indes for Trapping Actions
Video: On the Beauty of Abrazzare
Video: Another Lesson on Gripping the Longsword

Added January 2013

Editorial: Authentic Mare & Historical European Fighting Arts on Television? ...Don't hold your breath

Added December 2012

Challenges and Rewards
Recounting Experiences with a TV Documentary on Knight vs. Samurai

Added October 2012

PBS NOVA: Secrets of the Viking Sword

Added September 2012

Video: On the Krumphau
Meditatio et Contemplatio

Added August 2012

Video: Cutting Experiments 2011
Video: On the 15th Century Milieu
Our Chosen Model and Example
Musings Upon the Spirit of Renaissance Martial Culture
Recreational Sportification Ruins Historical Combat Discipline
ARMA International Gathering 2011

Added July 2012

Video: Longsword Lesson 1
Video: John Clements on The Real Longsword
Video: Practicing Longsword Closures and Disarms

Added June 2012

Indigenous martial arts evolved in the west as well as the east

Added May 2012

Editorial: Our Holistic Approach to Research and Study
Editorial: Fooling Ourselves

Added April 2012

Worst Case Scenarios
Fighting in Slow Motion
Video: No Going "Soft and Slow"

Added February 2012

Between Canon and Art

Added October 2011

Which Weapon is Right for You?

Added July 2011

Why the Centrality of the Longsword?
A Layman's Understanding of Damascus Steel

Added June 2011

Video Review - National Geographic Channel's Medieval Fight Book

Added May 2011

Sword Talk with John Clements - Podcast
The Humanist Component Within Renaissance Martial Arts Teachings

Added January 2011

ARMA on National Geographic's "Medieval Fight Book"

Added October 2010

What to Call this Martial Art?

ARMA Inducted into the World Martial Arts Union
As of September 2010, the ARMA is now the official representative for the martial arts of Renaissance Europe to the World Martial Arts Union (WoMAU). Under the official patronage of UNESCO, the WoMAU is a Non-Governmental Organization for sustaining Intangible Cultural Heritage. Representing the entire historical fencing community, the ARMA advises the Union on reviving and promoting authentic Western European fighting arts from the 14th to 17th centuries. The ARMA was selected as a WoMAU delegate for its recognized expertise and long-time international educational efforts in the authentic practice of these transnational pan-European historical teachings.
Added September 2010

The Intangible Cultural Heritage of Martial Traditions

Added August 2010

Video: Practicing Cuts with Intensity

Added July 2010

Why Are You Standing Still?
Why a Fellowship?

Added March 2010

Volta, Key and Scale
Fighting Skeptic - Of Martial Arts and Magic Arts
The Interrelatedness within the Martial Arts of Renaissance Europe
Historical Fencing Footwear

Added January 2010

New ARMA Homepage and substantial revisions, restructuring, updating, and merging of content and page sections.

ARMA International Gathering 2009

Added November 2009

Where's All the Ground Fighting?

Added September 2009

Our New "Rosetta Stone" - Advancing Reconstruction of Forgotten European Fighting Arts

Added July 2009

Open Workshops for Renaissance Fencing Enthusiasts
Editorial: Flawed Thesis Disorder: the Current Crisis of Our Subject

Added April 2009

The Challenge of Defining a Martial Art
Editorial: Matching Goals with Means in Your Historical Fencing Practice
Editorial: A Sword Story
Our Credo - the ARMA "Code of Conduct"

ARMA Memorium Tribute to swordsmith Paul Champagne

Added February 2009

Ten Reasons Why Longsword Fencing Differs... So Much from Modern Fencing
Longsword Practice and Pell Exercise videos added

Added December 2008

Reclaiming the Art of the Blade

Added November 2008

Ringen Vocabulary (PDF)

Added October 2008

The Centrality of the Longsword in RMA Study
Avoiding the Temptation to Systematize

Added August 2008

Renaissance Martial Arts - The Web Documentary

Added July 2008

Longsword and Katana Considered
New Book - Masters of Medieval and Renaissance Martial Arts

Added April 2008

Opining on the State of the Art - A Conversation with ARMA Director John Clements

Added November 2007

ARMA International Gathering 2007 - Full Report
Art and Action - the challenge of combining sources with method

Added October 2007

The Passing of Hank Reinhardt
The Burrell Collection at Glasgow Museums
Ashokan Sword 2005 Conference Review
New Videos - Freeplay at Iron Door Studio
Fight-Book Clues to Quality and Build of Knightly Weaponry
Getting Punchy – Fist-Fighting, Wrestling and Fight-Books
Duel of Theobald versus Seitz – Germany, 1370

Added September 2007

A comparative pictorial study of the Wards and techniques of the I.33 or Tower Fechtbuch

Added July 2007

Modern "Masters"?
Interview with Master Bladesmith Kevin Cashen
Editorial - Making Better Sense

Added June 2007

Fight Earnestly - the Fight-Book from 1459 AD by Hans Talhoffer

Added May 2007

Sword Show - Edges & Flats
Edge Bashing Basement Experiments I
New video - displacing diagonal cuts edge to flat

Added April 2007

How Were Swords Really Made?
New video samples

Added November 2006 - February 2007

Commemorating Our Martial Tradition
Editorial: Historical Fencing Over 40

Added September 2006
Test Cutting Video of blunt bastard sword on bamboo
Added July 2006
Atlanta Bladeshow 2006 Lecture/Demo
Photos: Guanajato, Mexico. Presentation 2006
Our Year in Review 2005
Added May 2006
How Were Swords Really Made?
New Youth Article - Why So Many Kinds of Sword?
Added April 2006
Fiore Dei Liberi Study Guide PDF
Added March 2006

Interview with swordsmith Peter Johnsson
New Youth Page Question & Answer: "Why are there so many kinds of swords?"
Five Questions...
The Real History of the Crusades
Interview with swordsmith Paul Champagne

Added February 2006

Mertein Hündsfelder: Fechtlehre mit dem Kurzen Schwert c.1491
Editorial: On the Threshold
From the Fringe - 6 new tragic incidents

Added December 2005

Editorial: Sense and Pretense
Some Historical Swiss Swords Examined

Added November 2005
Armor Research Society Conference; Chicago 2005
Added October 2005

The Fight-Book of Hugues Wittenwiller from Late 15th Century AD
Evaluating Historical European Martial Arts on Television
Lone Star Schwertlager 2005 - Review

Added September 2005
The Best of ARMA Research Articles
ARMA Reader's Choice Top Favorite Articles
Top Myths of Renaissance Martial Arts
Added August 2005
Talhoffer and Causes for Fighting
Master Ott's Wrestling
Basic Fiberglass Rapier Simulator How-To
From the Fringe - 9 new incidents
Added July 2005
The Physical Reality of Forceful Edge Impacts
Added June 2005
Talhoffer Longsword: Armoured and Unarmoured
Added April 2005
Modern English version of Hanko Döbringer's Fechtbuch from 1389
Added March 2005
La Verra Antiga
Added February 2005
Spotlight - ARMA 2004 Year in Review
Book Review - "Dueling with Sword and Pistol: 400 Years of One-on-One Combat"
Added January 2005
Fabris the Assassin
Added December 2004
The Weighty Issue of Two-Handed Greatswords
Texas Renaissance Festival 2004 Demonstration Photos
Core Assumptions and the Exploration of Historical Fencing
Added November 2004
The Mastercuts - What They Are and What They Aren't
Added October 2004
Editorial - History and Heritage
Added September 2004

New Article - On Damaged Edge
Senior Free-Scholar Prize Playing Photos - Gene Tausk
Senior Free-Scholar Prize Playing Photos - Stewart Feil

Added August 2004

Mertin Siber's Fechtlere of 1491
The Weight of Two-Handed Great Swords
Editorial -
Reviewing Reviews - considerations on replica sword opinions
Editorial - Understanding the Origins of Misconceptions - where do false impressions come from?

Added July 2004
Sir John Reresby: Seventeenth-Century Scrapper
Added June 2004
A Brief Introduction to Armoured Longsword Combat
Added May 2004
The Extraordinary Streetfight of Sir Kenelm Digby
One Student - A Yearling's Perspective - Editorial
Added April 2004
New Youth Q&A Article: All About Rapiers
Added March 2004
Provo Event 2004 Pics
Added Feb 2004
History of the Pell
Added Jan 2004

What did Historical Swords Weigh?
Using the “F” Word – The Role of Fitness in Historical Fencing

Added Dec 2003
Considerations for Female Practitioners in Renaissance Martial Arts?
Added Oct-Nov 2003

The Process of Learning Lost Martial Arts - Editorial
The Death of a Martial Art? - Editorial

Arms Research Report - Swiss FAH

Teaching and Training with Intent

Added Aug-Sep 2003

What exactly is it? - Editorial
New longsword demo video clip

Added July 2003

ARMA International Gathering 2003 - Full Report

Added May-June 2003

Sweden Event 2003 Pics
Knights vs. Samurai - revised and updated!
Fence with all your strength…”
To Spar or Not to Spar?...
Hey Mister that sword real? - Article on replicas plus Swedish Royal Armory photos
Late 16th century German Fencing from the Codex Guelf 83

Added April 2003

Spotlight - ARMA's Year in Review 2002
Duel of the Century - the Jarnac-Chastaganeraye Judicial Combat of 1547

Added March 2003

Sword Show 2003 - Report

Added February 2003

Pinder's Contest - 16th century rural English Prizing

Added January 2003
Sword Motions & Impacts
Codex Wallerstein Book - Study Sheet & Revised Intro
Critical Characteristics of Swords?

Renaissance Man - Column
What Makes an Effective Sword Cut - how a cut works
The Myth of Cutting vs. Thrusting Swords
Added November 2002

From the Fringe
Peachey the Shoomaker's Challenge

Added October 2002
Photos of ARMA Sweden Longsword Seminar
Ewart Oakeshott Tribute
Sigmund Ringeck's Knightly Art of the Longsword

Historical Fencing and Re-Enacting 
Added July & August 2002
On Parrying Part III
2002 Interview with Dr. Sydney Anglo

Wasters - the history of wooden swords
Liechtenauer's Sword & Buckler Teachings
Added June 2002
Major New Essay: The Sword & Buckler Tradition
Added May 2002
The Myth of Edge-on-Edge Parrying in Medieval Swordplay
Rapier Combats in Early 17th century English Literature
Photos of Atlanta Retreat 2002
Added April 2002
A Brief Glossary of Italian Rapier Concepts
Update to Member's Area:
New 24 test-cutting video clips and assorted photos.
New video clips on cutting exercises.
First parts of ARMA Director extensive conversations interview.
Added March 2002
Translation of Wurm's wrestling book of c. 1507
A "Lost" Fencing Book from c. 1650 - The Truth of the Sword
Added Feb 2002
Sword Show 2002 Las Vegas - Report
Added Jan 12th 2002
New Editorial on Interpretation & Application of source manuals
Article on the importance of studying the Fechtbuchs
Added Jan 2002

HACA is now the ARMA!

An Introduction to Historical European Martial Arts page
Article on Renaissance Martial Arts Literature
Jörg Wilhelm’s Fechtbuch of 1523
Images art from fencieng texts of Marozzo, Agrippa, Di Grassi, Capo Ferro, & Alfieri
Analysis of a 15th century English fencing poem
More fighting techniques & wrestling from Sigmund Ringeck's 15th century Fechtbuch
Excerpts from a lost 16th century English rapier treatise
New image files of Fillipo Vadi’s text of c. 1480 along with translated portions
New Youth Club section – an educational program for kids!
New InTheatre Program – Professional Stage-Combat Certification by a noted authority!
New ARMA-Approved tools & equipment page
New update of Medieval Fencing Glossary – over 50 new entries
New revision of Renaissance Fencing Terminology – over 25 new entries
Entirely expanded Reading List & Study Bibliography – with over 200 new titles!
Expanded and revised list of historical master’s works
Redesigned historical online source manuals page
Over 20 new Historical Art section images
A new Dialogue with modern practitioners page
Interviews with professional armorers
Material from Petter’s and Passchen’s 17th century works
Definitions of Sword Replicas page
New Book & Video reviews
Article on studying the historical source manuals 
Article on exploring principles of historical swordplay
Expert Consultants page
An article on free play “wargames”
Wav files for pronunciation of Fechtbuch terms
8 New video clips & 14 new Member's clips

Added November, 2001
New Essay: Historical Fencing Study - The British Legacy
Added October, 2001
New Oakeshott Book Review! Sword in Hand
Added September, 2001
New Article: "Interpreting" Historical Examples: Thoughts on the Quality of Replica Swords
New Essay: “Tactical” Swordsmanship - Scenario-Based Training for the Sword
Added August, 2001
Interview with Hank Reinhardt, 2001
European Historical Combat Guild Seminar Report - held at the Royal Armouries.
New Book Review - Blood Red Roses - the Archaeology of a Mass Grave from the Battle of Towton, AD 1461.  
Member's Page Updated.
New Medieval Fencing Manual! Hans Czynner - little known 15th century Fechtbuch on armored long-sword & dagger.
Added July, 2001
New Book Review: Medieval Military Costume
Full Codex Wallerstein manual now online.
Member's Page Updated.
Added June, 2001
Historical European Combat Guild Inaugural Seminar at Royal Armories
Houston HACA's Summer Test-Cutting Gathering Report
New Book Review: Viking Weapons & Warfare
Member's Page Updated.

Expo Report on Atlanta Medieval & Renaissance Martial Arts Expo!
New -
Schola St. George Medieval Swordsmanship Symposium Pics
Added May, 2001
New Article: A Brief Look at Stances & Guards of Medieval Longsword
New Article: Stick Fights & Boxing in Renaissance Venice!
New Photos on Seminars and Workshops page
New Editorial: Rumors, Innuendos, and Half-truths
Member's Page Updated.
Added April, 2001
26 New Video Clips Added to new Video Page! - see HACA practice, training, & loose-play
New Essay: Martial Art or Combat Sport? How to tell where your fencing fits in
New Editorial: Martial Arts Unbelief: "At the Edge of Knowledge"
New Editorial: "Renaissance Swordsmanship" book 4-Year Anniversary
Added February, 2001
Images of Glenbow Museum antique swords
Images of Calgary Rapier Seminar
Photos of HACA Renaissance Swordplay
Images of Free-Scholar Prize Playing
Added January, 2001
Sword Show 2001 - New Orleans - Special Report
New Manual! - Images from Paulus Hector Mair’s rare and extraordinary Fechtbuch of c. 1540.
New Guest Editorial: Avoiding the Commonplace in Historical Martial Arts
Added December, 2000
Fechtbuch of Paulus Hector Mair - Images from a rare 16th century manual
The Year 2000 Review of Medieval & Renaissance Martial Arts
Keith Ducklin, Royal Armouries-HACA Seminar
New Essay on interpreting Achille Marozzo's Opera Nova of 1536
15th century English Great-Sword Text - This short, rare text, known only as "Additional Manuscript 39564" (or MS. 39,564) is now online at HACA.
Added October, 2000
HACA's Euro-Trip 2000 Report!
NEW! Rare 15th century Fechtbuch images - Gladiatorie
Additions to Ringeck's manual - Part V
Added September, 2000
Sword 2000 Event -Special Report Exclusive!
New Essay - Legs, Wounds, & Standing Up in Historical Fencing
Added August, 2000
New Essay: Consideration of Grappling & Wrestling in Renaissance Fencing
Introducing the new HACA Membership Structure!
Book Review - The Martial Arts of Renaissance Europe!
37 New Photos to
15 new pics under Rapier Fencing, Rapier vs. Sword,  S&B / C&T, and Seminars & Workshops sections.
Added July, 2000
Over 90 new titles added to Reading & Research List!
Added June, 2000
Exclusive HACA preview of The Martial Arts of Renaissance Europe!   Plus exclusive interview with the author!
Added 10 New Pieces to Historical Artwork Section
New - HACA Director Editorial: "Content & Character - Historical Fencing Information on the Web"
Reviews of Medieval Swordsmanship Book!
Added May, 2000
HACA Hosts the Inaugural Conference of Swordplay Symposium International - Houston, May 27-29, 2000!
Three new Historical Fencing texts plus 29 additional titles on war & military matters from the 16 & 17th centuries have been added to the Historical Texts Reading List!
Added April, 2000
New Essay! - The "Politically Correct" Study of European Martial Arts?
Artwork from The Book on the Art of Fighting With Swords by Fillipo Vadi. c. 1482-1487!

New Essay! - What Have We Learned From HACA Rapier Fencing?
Updates to Historical Texts Reading List
Added March 2000
The Harleian Manuscript Analysis Project - Interpretation of a 15th century English text on the two-hand or great-sword
Images from Fechtmeister Joachim Meyer's Kunst des Fechten - c. 1570
Updates to Historical Manuals of European Masters!
More additions to Master Ringeck's Fechtbuch Comentaries
More than a dozen new titles added to Reading & Research List
Added January 10, 2000
Introduction to Frederico Ghisliero’s Rapier Text of 1587
Added January 3, 2000
Eight new titles added to Reading & Research List
Added December 21-28, 1999
More than thirty new titles added to Reading & Research List
Material from Fiore Dei Liberi's Flos Duellatorum of 1410 added!
Updates to Historical Fencing Terms
Update to Insights from Historical Artwork (new picture 58)
Added December 14-17, 1999
More plates added to Talhoffer's Fecthbuch 1443, 1449, & 1459 editions.
Medieval Long-Sword Proficiency Certification for Free-Scholar Curricula added for plus Student Study Sheet notes at the end of the Membership Section
Cross-section photo of HACA's New Contact-Sparring sword design added to the construction details section.
Added December 7, 1999
Artwork from Albrecht Duerer's early 16th century Fechtbuch!
Added November 23-30, 1999
Updated Version of Codex Wallerstein - more and clearer images
Insights from Historical Artwork - now redone with twice as many entries!
Updates to Historical Fencing Terminology List

HACA Exclusive
- George Hale's 1614 rapier text, The Private Schoole of Defence
NEW! Hans Talhoffer's Fecthbuch 1443, 1449, & 1459 editions! 
Added November 9 - 14, 1999
HACA Exclusive - 18 images on long-sword from the rare Codex Wallerstein, a collection of anonymous German text and illustrations from c. 1470
HACA Exclusive -
Excerpts from Das Solothurner Fechtbuch, another rare Medieval German fighting manual.
Added October 20-25, 1999
Das Ringersbuch der Hans Wurm - HACA exclusive, rare German wrestling text of c. 1600.
Le Jeu de la Hache - HACA exclusive!
Complete Official English Translation of 15th century Treastise on the Polaxe!
I.33 - German Sword & Buckler Manual
Oldest known European sword manuscript from c. 1295!
Updates to Reading List, New Book Reviews, and Historical Terms
Added September 20-30, 1999
Pictures from the `99 Houston Seminar
Updates to Reading List, New Book Reviews, and Historical Terms
14 New photos of contact-weapon practice & sparring with long-swords
Added September 2, 1999
NEW HACA WEBSITE LOOK!  - to see it refresh your cache on your browser for all pages
Added August 13-31, 1999
The Deeds of Jacque de Lalaing Feats of Arms by a 15th Century Knight
Even more updates to Historical Terms
NEW! HACA's 1999 Sword Research Trip to England - a full report with 50+ photos!
An Introduction to George Hale's The Private School of Defence, 1614 English Rapier text
Added August 3-10, 1999
More additions to Master Ringeck's Fechtbuch Comentaries
Additions to
Pietro Monte Essay
Updates to Historical Terms
list - 6 new terms added
Update to Reading & Research Bibliography list - thirteen new titles added
NEW! Artwork from 19th Century Study of Historical Fencing
Updated Historical Fencing Definitions page
Updates to Historical Manuals of European Masters.
Added July 6-8, 1999

Five New Photos of Sparring - Other Weapons
New Book Review:
Arms & Armor of the Crusading Era 1050-1350 Vol. I
Part II & III - Master Ringeck's Fechtbuch Comentaries

HACA exclusive, 14th century long-sword manual!

Added June 25, 1999
New Interview with John Waller - Head of Fight Interpretation, Royal Armouries
Added May 18 & 25, 1999
3 new test-cutting pictures added - Cutting Practice
New Book Review:
Anglo-Saxon Weapons & Warfare
New Book Review: The World of the Medival Knight
Added May 14, 1999

The Compleat Sword-Man: An Introduction to the Teachings of Sir William Hope
Two excellent new pieces added to Insights from Historical Artworks
Four new photos of HACA exhibition at the 1999 Mardi Gra Martial Arts Camp: sword & rapier

Added May 6-7, 1999
Pietro Monte – Medieval to Renaissance Master …once again

Master Ringeck's Fechtbuch Comentaries - a HACA exclusive, 14th cen. manual!
Stephen Hand's "The Practical Saviolo" (Revised Edition) PART 1 / PART 2 / GLOSSARY 
Added April 19-28, 1999

8 more photos under Medieval Long-Sword - 3
New Essay:
Part 2 of How to Teach an Understanding of Parrying
12 New pieces added to
Unarmed Medieval & Renaissance Combat
3 New pieces added to Insights from Historical Artworks

Added April 5-12, 1999

Unarmed Medieval & Renaissance Combat - A new section devoted to these fighting arts
Update to Insights from Historical Artworks - 1  new piece added Art27

Added March 18-24, 1999

Over 30 photos added to 3 sections:  Long-Sword 1, Long-Sword 2, & Other Weapons
New Essay The Ubiquitous Pell Training historical style
New Essay Broadsword or Broad Sword? Settling the Question of What’s in a Name

Added February 24-26, 1999

The First 46 Plate Ilustrations of Talhoffer's Fectbuch of 1467 now online! Talhoffer
Added 3 more new long-sword entries to Historical Terms
Updates to HACA Houston class schedule

Added February 18, 1999

Saxo the Dane - Selected Anecdotes and Accounts of Epic Combat from 12th & 13th Century Danish History
Viking Fighting - Selected Text from 23 Norse Sagas!
Added 4 new entries to Historical Terms

Added February 11-16, 1999
Added new entries to Medieval Long-Sword Terms
Added 5 new pieces to
Insights from Historical Artworks
Five more titles added to Reading & Research List
Added February 2 - 8, 1999
Six new titles added to Reading & Research List.
Updates to Insights from Historical Artworks - 4 new pieces added
Updates to Joseph Swetnam manual of 1617 with additional text and all illustrations.
New Book Review: "The Cutting Edge - A Practical Guide to the Use of Highland Weapons: The Broadsword and Targe"
Added January 22 - 26, 1999

Updates to Historical Manuals of European Masters.
Updates to Insights from Historical Artworks - six new pieces added! (with 10 more on the way).
Just Added: George Silver's Paradoxes of Defense and Brief Instructions Upon My Paradoxes of Defense
NEW! Download PDF Manuals! The HACA Guide to Historical Manuals Online Some of these files are large, but they're worth it!
NEW! Talhoffer's Fechtbuch of 1467 -- English Translation by Mark Rector. Available online for the first time through HACA.

Added January 7 - 20, 1999

New Essay:
How to Teach an Understanding of Parrying
New Article: The Practical Saviolo - Part 1 - by Stephen Hand. A look at Vincentio Saviolo's famous treatise on fencing from 1595!
New Essay:
Breaking All the Rules – Thoughts on Weapon Sparring Guidelines by Todd Palmer
New Essay: Defining Historical Fencing
New Essay: The Art of Well Meaning Error
New Feature! Insights from Historical Artworks - presenting iconographic sources revealing interesting aspects of weapons and fighting.
Also - updates to HACA Houston class schedules and practices.
Added January 5, 1999

Comprehension of Destreza by Alvaro Guerra de la Vega (1681). Translation by Miguel Gomez.
New Book Review: "The Medieval Soldier in the Wars of the Roses"
Added 8 new books to Reading & Research List
Updated Manuals of the Historical Masters

Added December, 1998

NEW for 1999!

Medieval Swordsmanship Book 2nd Edition Supplemental Comments
Medieval Swordsmanship Book 2nd Errata List
Ewart Oakeshott Interview Part 2
- covering more Membership and Study Group information
HACA Website Index & Map
- a overview of our extensive online material
Basic Medieval Long-Sword Terminology of the German and Italian Masters
Book Reviews!
- of Recently Released Titles of Interest
Reading & Research List
- over 80 new titles added!

Added November 25, 1998

At over 300 pages, John Clements' new book is packed with information on medieval swords, shields, and long-swords.
New Historical Manual: Joseph Swetnam's Schoole of the Noble and Worthy Science of Defence
New Historical Manual:
Pallas Armata: The Gentleman's Armory (Book I)

Added October 10, 1998

New Interview: Ewart Oakeshott: "Dean of Swords"
New Spotlight Feature: HACA '98 Atlanta Excursion
New Essay: Antique & Replica Schiavonas
New Photos: Antique Swords

Added September 22, 1998

New Essay: Living In Two Realities - The Obligations of Choreography by F. Braun McAsh

Added September 21, 1998

New Pictures: Medieval Long-Sword
New Feature: HACA History

Added September 10, 1998

New Essays: On the Edge of Knowledge: Parrying with a Cutting Sword and
Evaluating A Replica Sword to Purchase

Added August 24, 1998

New Essay: A First Experience in Rapier Fencing by Ronald A. Harris, Ph.D.

Added August 6, 1998

Updated Class Schedule
New Pictures:
Seizures & Disarms
Medieval Longsword
HACA Swordsmanship Class - Houston
Practice-Rapier Photos

Added July 29, 1998

New Essay: Setting The Record Straight: The Art of the Sword in Medieval Europe by S. Matthew Galas, Esq.

Added July 22, 1998

New Essays:
The Use of Kicks in Swordfighting: A Brief Exploration
Ne'er the twain: Some Thoughts on the Martial Arts/Performing Arts Dichotomy

Added July 15, 1998

Special Announcement: Practice-Rapier Replaces Schlägers

Added July 10, 1998

New Photos: Seizures & Disarms (4), and Rapier Fencing (6)
New Feature: The HACA Study Method for Swordsmanship

Added July 2, 1998

New Swordsmanship Video Clips: Film 3, Film 4, and Thrusts
HACA Forum Update
New Link: The Mediaeval Sword

Added June 19, 1998

New Photo Section: Other Weaponry. Also, new pictures added in other categories.

Added June 15, 1998

New Photo Section: Seizures & Disarms

Added June 8, 1998

Students & Ratings Within HACA

Added May 30, 1998

The Changing Face of Truth A New Essay by English Martial Arts author Terry Brown
What Makes An Expert? A New Essay by John Clements
Inside HACA's Sparring Systems A New Essay by webmaster J. Mark Bertrand

Added May 8, 1998
Updated information on Medieval and Renaissance Swords and Companion Implements
Added May 6, 1998
Part 2 of HACA's Exclusive Interview with Hank Reinhardt
Fed Up With Inferior Hilts A New Essay by Renaissance Swordsmanship author John Clements

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